- capture-recapture模型 capture-recapture model
- "捕鱼业,见 capture fishery" harvest fishery
- Hybrid技术 hybrid revascularization
- 多捕获(Multi-capture)测试 Multi-capture structure
- Hybrid模型 Hybrid model
- HybridⅢ假人 HybridⅢ dummy
- Hybrid端口模式 Hybrid
- Hybrid骨外固定 Hybrid external fixation
- 因为Group可以在单个匹配中捕获零个、一个或更多的字符串(使用限定符),所以它包含Capture对象的集合。 Because Group can capture zero, one, or more strings in a single match (using quantifiers), it contains a collection of Capture objects.
- Hybrid-Maize模型 Hybrid-Maize model
- 六点式安全带Hybrid 6-point safety belt
- 杂交(hybrid)技术 Hybrid technique
- 并行级联空时格码与Hybrid ARQ联合纠错研究 Research on the Parallel Concatenated Space Time Trellis Code in Conjunction with Hybrid ARQ
- 百合(L.Asiatic Hybrid)花器官离体快速繁殖技术的研究 Rapid Propagation of Floral Organ of Lily (L.Asiatic Hybrid) in Vitro
- 加强型单环与单臂Hybrid外固定器结合有限内固定治疗复杂胫骨平台骨折 Reinforced bar-ring Hybrid external fixator combined with limited internal fixation for complex fractures of tibial plateau
- 包壳锁
- 因此为了提高数据及图像传输的可靠性,人们提出了采用ARQ与FEC相结合的混合ARQ(hybrid ARQ)差错控制方案。 Therefore,the reliability of data and image transmission is usually improved using hybrid ARQ error control scheme which is combined by ARQ and FEC.
- 而HFC(Hybrid Fiber/Coax)网络作为PSTN、计算机网络和有线电视网络的融合物得到了越来越多的关注和研究。 Three networks merged into one has become the developing trend of future network. HFC(Hybrid Fiber/Coax) network, as the integration of PSTN, computer network and CATV(cable television) network, has gained more and more attentions.
- spelta album、1607和水源11等抗源的抗性系由1对显性基因控制; Hybrid 46和Clement的抗性系由2对显性基因控制; spelta album,1607 and Suwon 11.Two dominant genes conditionedthe resistance of the varieties Hybrid 46 and Clement.
- 利用混杂系统(Hybrid Systems,简称HS)理论对开环和闭环控制DC/DC变换器进行了分析和建模,并考虑了不连续电流工作情况。 Modeling and analysis of open-loop and closed-loop DC/DC converters are both made based on the theory of hybrid systems,and the discontinoued current mode is under consideration.