- In his classical work Ibsenism, Hu Shi did not only give an all-around introduction of Ibsen's ideas, but concentratedly expressed his idea of a sound individualism as well. 是胡适全面介绍易卜生思想的力作,也是集中承载胡适“健全的个人主义”思想的经典性文章。
- It is said that Hu Shi wrote China's first vernacular poem. 据说胡适创作了中国第一首白话诗。
- Hu Shi once expressed the idea of becoming a Christian in his youth when he was studying in America, but he soon gave it up. He not only adhered to atheism formed in his juvenile years, but also made a systematic criticism on theism. 青年胡适在美国留学期间,曾经表示要成为基督教徒,但很快改变自己的想法,不仅坚定少年时代形成的无神论观点,而且对有神论作了系统批判。
- Hu Shi promoted pai-hua, a literary style that used common expressions and vocabulary. 胡适先生倡导的白话文,一种使用通用词法的文学形式。
- Hu shi attitude towards Christianity and the causes of his change during his study years in the U.S. 胡适留美期间对基督教的态度及其变化。
- Around the time of the New Cultural Campaign, there was a tense dispute between Hu Shi, the major advocator, arid some members of Nanshe Society. 摘要新文化运动前后,白话诗的主要倡导者胡适与部分南社成员之间产生了激烈的论战。
- The modern scholars such as Zheng Zhenduo,Hu Shi didn't praise the Maos'comments. 现代学者郑振铎、胡适对毛氏的评点评价不高。
- Hu Shi had over thirty doctorates that never prevented him from becoming a master sinologist. 胡适有三十余个博士学位,也没影响他成为一代国学大家。
- In constructing modernism,Hu Shi deviated from Dewey and mistook the modernism thought of Dewey. 在现代性思想的建构上,胡适背离杜威的立场,误读了杜威的现代性思想。
- The culture polemics between LIANG Qi-chao and HU Shi in the 1920s has obvious social and individual utilitarianism. 发生在20世纪20年代的梁启超与胡适的文化论战具有明显的社会功利与个人功利色彩;
- For a long time, people do more academic study on Hu Shi, Feng Youlan, Jing Juelin, Helin, Zhang Dongsun, Zhang Junmai and so on, but do less on Xie Youwei. 摘要长期以来,人们在学术思想方面研究较多的是胡适、冯友兰、金岳霖、贺麟、张东荪、张君劢等人,而对谢幼伟的学术思想研究却不多。
- This article does not agree to change the fact that Hu Shi and Gu Ji gang joined together to launch the campaign of debate on Chinese ancient history. 本文不赞同因后来发生的情形而改写胡适与顾颉刚共同酝酿和发动“古史辨”的历史。
- Hu Shi liberalism experienced several times,which are germination period, pregnancy, maturity period, carcinogenesis period. 胡适自由主义经历了萌芽、结胎、成熟与癌变几个时期。
- Standing on the ground of empirical naturalism,Dewey criticized the modernism,while Hu Shi approved the modernism on the ground of experimentalism. 杜威站在经验自然主义的立场上,对于现代性是持批判的反思态度;胡适站在实验主义方法的立场上,对现代性持赞成的态度。
- Hu shi shi Nu of su shen is a crystallization of nationality wisdom, and is the special sign and marked characteristic of Sushen culture. 肃慎民族的“木苦矢石 奴石”是其民族智慧的结晶 ,也是肃慎文化的特有标志和显著特点。
- We Americans believe Hu Shi was right. We believe and our experience demonstrates that freedom strengthens stability and helps nations to change. 我们美国人认为胡适是对的。我们相信,并且我们的经验表明,自由加强稳定,自由有助于国家的变革。
- As the same, many scholars who study Hu Shi's vernacular poetry believe that Hu Shi's “Eight Principles “is affected by American imagism of poetry . 同样,许多研究胡适白话新诗理论的学者都认为,胡适的“文章八事”受到了美国意象派诗歌主张的影响,这一理论是对意象派原则和主张的附会。
- Hu Shi made it clear that the evolution and development of an owner's academic experiences should be revealed in his chronicle, in which h... 胡适总体上是将年谱视为传记之一种,但也注意到年谱在内容、体例、功用等方面与一般传记又有一定的区别。
- Hu Shi liberalism's personality foundation is the Huizhou culture, the Anhui merchants spirit and the parents graciousness own personality charm. 胡适自由主义的性情基础是徽州文化、徽商精神与父母恩亲的人格魅力。
- This is also a reason we regret the lack of profundity and incisiveness in Hu Shi's articles while appreciating his crystal clarity and eloquence. 这也是我们在欣赏胡适文章之清朗、畅达的同时,对其不够深邃、尖锐略表遗憾的缘故。