- How to Direct Pupils to Write a Fair Hand? 如何指导学生把字写端正?
- How to Write A Commercial Prospectus? 如何撰写商业计划书?
- How to write a research proposal. 如何写开题报告。
- How to Write a Scientific Paper for SCI Journals? 如何为SCI杂志撰写科研论文?
- Tet's learn how to write a telephone message. 师生根据此电话留言来学习如何写电话留言。
- I can't remember how to write a capital Z in cursive. 我已经记不得如何去写草书的大写字母Z.
- How to write summary in English? 如何写英文摘要?
- Once you understand how to write a program get someone else to write it. 只有当你自己明白如何去写一段程序的时候,才可以让别人帮你写。
- Learn how to write a BIOS before you go selling hardware with falsified specs. 好好学学怎么写BIOS吧,不要净卖一些假装符合规范的硬件。
- The book is used to teach us how to write. 这本书教我们如何写作。
- How to write an exercitation to give division brief summary? 怎么写实习出科小结啊?
- Demonstrates how to write to a binary file. 演示如何写入二进制文件。
- To learn how to write about a natural disaster. 学会如何写自然灾害。
- Managing her materials with deceptive ease and fluency, Ms Tomalin provides an object lesson in how to write a life. 托玛琳以故作轻松流畅地方式组织素材,为如何写传记提供了截然不同的经验。
- To learn how to write such a plug-in, read on. 要学习如何编写这样的插件,请继续阅读。
- I really do not know how to write a check,she said,with a demure sidelong glance. 我真的不清楚如何填写支票,她假装害羞地斜瞥了一眼说道
- "I really don't know how to write a check," she said, with a demure sidelong glance. “我真的不清楚如何填写支票”,她假装害羞地斜瞥了一眼说道
- He doesn't have a clue how to write his thesis. 论文怎么写,他根本没谱儿。
- How to write a for loop. Use a For loop to run the same block of code a specified number of times. 怎样写一段循环。使用循环来执行指定次数的相同代码块。