- They still know little or nothing about Chinese history and society or about the specific features and laws of the Chinese revolution. 他们对于中国的历史状况和社会状况、中国革命的特点、中国革命的规律还不懂得或懂得不多。
- He wrote about people, people in their stressed psychic anatomies, and, as he aged, people in history and society. 他写那些处在紧张精神状态中的人,成年后写历史和社会中的人。
- As far as possible to understand history and society by referring chorography, journal , novel and so on . 在查阅了大量的方志、笔记、小说的基础上尽可能地理解历史,了解社会。
- Moving in the margins between history and society, Zhao Bandi creates a new, hitherto latent subject of social action. 赵半狄在历史和社会的空隙中运行,形成新的潜在的社会能量主体。
- Translation, an activity as old as the tower of Babel, has exerted enormous influence on the evolution of history and society. 翻译活动和巴贝尔塔一样古老,对社会历史的演变产生了巨大的影响。
- Moving in the margins between history and society, Zhao Bandi creates a new, hitherto latent subject of social action. What does this mean? 赵半狄在历史和社会的空隙中运行,形成新的潜在的社会能量主体。这意味着什么?
- The writers turn their backs to history and society, shut them in a self-contained personal space, tell their worries deliriously, and derive the pleasure of Eros. 女作家采取背对历史、社会与人群在姿态,把自我封闭在自足的个人空及内心世界,自诉心语,并从中获得爱欲的快感与精神的满足。
- Wujin has a long history and abundant with resources and talented people.It takes a leading place in economics and society development among more than 2000 counties over china. 武进历史悠久,人文荟萃,实力雄厚,经济和社会发展在全国2000多个县(市)中始终处于领先地位。
- To continuously hold lectures and courses on "European integration", "Europwan history and society", "political system and economical development of EU"for all the interested students and staff. 继续面向全体学生开设“欧洲一体化”、“欧洲历史与社会”、“欧盟政治体制与经济发展”等辅修课、选修课或讲座。
- This paper looks into the development of design history and the changes on design thoughts from the view of technology development and society transform, and digs out the deep factor which affects the changes on design thoughts. 从技术发展和社会变革的角度去观察设计史发展和设计思潮的变化,挖掘出影响设计思潮变化的深层次的因素。
- Mr.Lee said he would major in history and he means business. 李先生说他要专攻历史,他是决心认真干的。
- He got a fail in history and passes in other subjects. 他历史考试不及格,其他科目都通过了。
- He does well in subjects like history and philosophy. 他在历史和哲学这类课程上成绩不错。
- Children are the future of the country and society. 儿童是国家和社会的未来。
- The Great wall is known for its long history and its magnificence. 长城以其悠久的历史和其雄伟壮丽而著名。
- Maintain the nation harmony and society stableness. 维护了民族团结、社会稳定。
- He draw an analogy between human body and society. 他将人体和社会作了类比。
- Economics and Society in Kievan Rus'Martin, Janet. 基辅罗斯的经济与社会状况。
- Law and society in transition II. 转变中的法律与社会2。
- History and communism were inseparable partners. 历史和共产主义是不可分离的伙伴。