- His polished prose. 他精美的散文。
- his polished prose; in a freshly ironed dress and polished shoes; freshly polished silver. 他精美的散文;穿着铁色的新衣和光亮的鞋子;闪闪发亮的银子。
- His polished bluchers gleamed, the white cotton dress shirt fresh-pressed. 布查南永远都是一副衣冠楚楚的模样,胡须和头发都油光可鉴,半统靴刷得锃亮,白色的棉衬衫也是新熨过的。
- They hoped to instill within the common people a love for the masterpieces of Polish prose and poetry. 他们期望把他们对波兰散文和诗歌名著的热爱,灌输给普通的波兰人民。
- In the midst of his polished exhibitionsl was often reminded of an urchin I had once seen in Naples. 他的精心表演常常令我回想起在那不勒斯遇到的一个顽童。
- In the midst of his polished exhibitions was often reminded of an urchin I had once seen in Naples. 他的精心表演常常令我回想起在那不勒斯遇到的一个顽童。
- At this week's commemorative ceremonies in Gdansk, Mr Putin offered his Polish hosts some comfort (see article). 在格丹斯克于本周举办的纪念仪式上,普京对他的波兰东道主给予了些许安抚(参见相关文章)。
- Your father denies his Polish ancestry, since Poland is still a noncompliant nation, and under international sanction because of it. 你父亲否认他的波兰血统,因为波兰一直是一个超生的国家,波兰也因此一直受国际制裁。
- With his polished English, full of arcane turns of phrase from his days at a private English school in Addis Ababa, the capital, he captivates foreign donors. 操着娴熟的英语,措辞中充满了他在首都亚的斯亚贝巴私立英语学校学的鲜为人知的词语,梅莱斯深深吸引着西方捐助者。
- His shoes were always well polished. 他的鞋总是擦得乾乾净净。
- His speech was always polished to a nail. 他的发言总是要经过仔细润色的。
- Mr Ahern also tells his Polish readers: "Although distant geographically, the histories and experiences of our two countries are closely linked. 埃亨先生还告诉他的波兰读者:“尽管我们地理位置相距遥远,但两国的历史和经历是紧密相连的。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。
- I heard his footsteps in the hall. 我听见大厅里有他的脚步声。
- He likes to be sure of his bodily comforts. 他注重身体上的舒适。
- She nestled her head on his shoulder. 她将头依偎在他的肩上。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- Out of the Oval Office by 9,Cheney walks in his polished maroon cowboy boots down the hall to his West Wing office,where he huddles with his chief of staff,Lewis Libby,and other senior staff members to go over the day's schedule. 到了9点,切尼穿着他擦得亮亮的栗色牛仔靴步出椭圆办公室,穿过走廊,来到他在白宫西侧的办公室。在这里,他和他的首席助理刘易斯·里皮及其他高级助手聚在一起研究确定当天的工作安排。
- He tried to put a bold face on his failure. 他对自己的失败装出一副满不在乎的样子。