- He that travel far know much. 行千里路,读万卷书。
- He that travels far know much. 行万里路,读万卷书。
- He that travels far knows much. [谚]远行者,见识广。
- He that travel much know much. 见多识广须旅游。
- He who travels far knows much. 远行者见闻多。
- He didn't know much about foreign countries. 他对外国知之甚少。
- He that handle thorn shall pick his finger. 手中弄荆棘,难免被刺伤。
- He used to travel far and wide through the world. 他过去常到世界各地旅行。
- He that tells a secret is another's servant. 把柄授他人,自甘当仆人。
- He doesn't know much about the subject, but he's very enthusiastic. 他对这事所知不多,但却极感兴趣。
- He that go barefoot must not plant thorn. 赤脚?上走,荆棘不可栽。
- He that sleeps with dogs must rise up with fleas. [谚]与狗同眠的人必然惹一身跳蚤; 同坏人为伍必然吃亏。
- He that spare the bad injure the good. 饶恕了恶人,伤害了好人。
- Such a good student is he that we all like him. 他是个这么好的学生,所以我们都喜欢他。
- He wants to know more about liberal latitudinarianism in theology. 他想多了解有关神学上不拘泥教条的自由主义。
- He who has traveled far and seen much is apt to fancy that he has lived long. 一个见多行远的人,易有人生久远、岁月漫长的感觉。
- He that converse not know nothing. 不与别人交谈的人孤陋寡闻。
- He had travelled far, had seen much of the world. 他曾经远游,见过许多世面。
- He that is full of himself is very empty. [谚]妄自尊大,腹中空空。
- I am sorry I do not know much about that. 很抱歉关于这个我不知道的不多。