- He flushed the toilet. 他冲洗了厕所。
- They flushed the drugs down the toilet. 他们从马桶冲走了毒品。
- Don't forget to flush the toilet after use. 用完厕所,不要忘了冲。
- Please flush the toilet after you've used it. 便後请冲水.
- "fastidious" (2) He flushed the toilet with his pointed boot, too fastidious to touch the lever with his hand. “fastidious”(2)由于过分讲究洁净,他不屑于用手接触马桶水阀杆,却用他的尖头皮靴压水冲洗厕所。
- Flush the toilet after each using. 便后请冲水。
- U-know yielded to his cheesy charisma and easily forgave him even he was the guilty one who didn't flush the toilet. 允浩臣服于他的可爱魅力,轻易地原谅了他,即使他才是不冲厕所的犯人。
- When you flush the toilet,you can hear the water sloshing about in the pipe. 冲厕所时,你会听到水在管道里流动。
- When you flush the toilet, you can hear the water sloshing about in the pipe. 冲厕所时,你会听到水在管道里流动。
- The spoiled boy didn't know how to flush the toilet and work the shower. 这个被宠坏的男孩不知道如何冲马桶,也不知道如何使用淋浴。
- Scream loudly when your husband flushed the toilet and you lose the water pressure. 尖叫:因为你丈夫冲厕所搞得你花洒水压不够。擦干身体表面的水珠。
- During a phone interview the candidate flushed the toilet while talking to hiring manager. 应试者在一次电话面试中边和招聘经理谈话边冲马桶。
- Laura/as Bambi: Oh yeah. You are the lamb boy whose parents flushed the alligator down the toilet and haven't thought of it since. 劳拉:哦对,就是你的父母把鳄鱼冲进厕所,从此再也不闻不问了。
- They reuse "grey water", meaning that they plug the drain when they shower and then use buckets to flush the toilet with the old soapy water. 这些人将“混水”再次利用,也就是说,在淋浴时把下水口堵上,浴后将带有肥皂液的洗澡水装到桶里冲马桶。
- Have you flushed the toilet? 你冲厕所了吗?
- He whistles as he fixes the toilet. 一边吹口哨一边修马桶。
- He flushed the drain. 他用水冲排水沟。
- He flushed crimson with indignation. 他因愤怒而脸红。
- The sewer in the toilet was blocked. 卫生间的下水道堵住了。
- I flush the toilet. 我冲马桶。