- He drove exceedingly fast. 他把车开得极快。
- Herbert drives exceedingly fast. 赫伯特开车过快。
- Michael drove exceedingly fast. 麦克尔开车开得过快。
- Susan drove exceedingly fast. 苏珊开车超快。
- He always drives his car exceedingly fast. 他总是超速行车。
- He drove the nail in for fear it would hurt anyone. 由于担心这个钉子伤人,他把它钉了进去。
- He drove the car as to the manner born. 他驾驶这辆车,好像生来就会开车似的。
- He drove the car at full speed through the town. 他驾驶汽车全速穿过那座城镇。
- He drove the tractor to his farm. 他开拖拉机去农场了。
- He drove full tilt intothe lamppost. 他车开得飞快,撞上了路灯柱。
- He drove a stake into the ground. 他向地里打了一根桩子。
- He drove into the ditch completely unaware. 他不知不觉地把车开进了沟里。
- He drove as fast as his car would come to bear. 他开足马力驾车。
- He drove through streets empty of traffic. 他驱车驶过没有行人车辆的街道。
- He drove them both to their respective homes. 他驾车把他们分别送到家里。
- He drove like fury to get there on time. 他拼命地开车,好准时赶到那里。
- He drove all the way through to New York. 他一直开到纽约。
- He drove in the direction of the farm. 他向该农场方向驶去。
- He drove off too fast for me to keep up. 他的车开得太快了;我赶不上。
- Ever since he could remember, Dennis had liked exceedingly fast speed. 自从有记忆力起,丹尼斯就喜欢非常快的速度。