- Having no sharps or flats. 本位的没有高音和降半音的
- There are no sharps or flats in the key of C major. C 大调中没有升半音和降半音。
- (music) of a key containing no sharps or flats (音乐)没有高音和降半音的基调
- (music) of a key containing no sharps or flats. (音乐)没有高音和降半音的基调。
- music) of a key containing no sharps or flats. (音乐)没有高音和降半音的基调。
- The sharps or flats that the piano's black keys play are missing. 没有钢琴上的黑键所弹奏的半音。
- The sharps or flats that the piano’s black keys play are missing. 没有钢琴上的黑键所弹奏的半音。
- Sharps or flats next to individual notes only apply within the measure. 高音或低音符号只能在相近的小节内使用。
- We have no sharp distinction between the seasons. 我们这里的季节没有明显的差别。
- The names of the scales have a number beside them; that is the number of sharps or flats that will be in that particular scale. 在音阶后有一个数字;表示了在该音阶中的升号或降号的数量.
- The order of keys in ascending numbers of sharps or flats can be illustrated by a circle of fifths. 升号或降号在五线谱上增加时的顺序可以用五度循环来描述。
- The autobahn has no sharp corners. (这条高速公路没有急转弯。)
- Supple: Tasting term indicating a soft, easy-drinking wine, with no sharp or bitter flavours. 柔顺的:品尝术语,指柔软的、易饮的葡萄酒,没有尖锐的或苦的味道。
- You may add a sharp or flat to any of the notes (as indicated), thereby creating different situations for each finger. 你可以在谱子上增加一个高音或一个低音(如果需要),从而使每个手指可变换不同的位置。
- She was not a fiery young lady and had no sharp answers. 她不是一个脾气急躁的少女,因此,不会反唇相讥。
- It is a time of innocent sadness and vague joys that have no sharpness of edge. 此时此刻纯洁的忧伤和模糊的欣悦相互渗杂。
- The key signature , placed next to each clef , indicates what notes , if any , should br played sharp or flat in the piece . 音调符号,(放在每一段最前位置),标出什么调的,(如果)在任何地方,在这一(片段)中将演奏这个调(值)
- Having no marked feeling for or against. 不偏不倚的没有明显的喜好或厌恶的
- Having no practical purpose or use. 脱离实际的,空论的没有实际目的或用途的
- Sharps or flats are drawn at the appropriate place on the staff, showing that the notes so indicated should be sharpened or flattened throughout, unless the sharp or flat is cancelled by a natural sign. 升降号画在五线谱相称的位置上,表示这些调通篇应该升或降,除非升降号被还原号取代。