- 本研究人群VDRSC和CTR基因型频率分布均符合Hardy Weinberg定律。 Hardy Weinberg equilibrium was evident for both VDRSC and CTR polymorphisms.
- COMTVal15 8Met基因型在患者组和男女亚组的分布频率均符合Hardy Weinberg定律 ; There is no significant deviation from Hardy Weinberg equilibrium for COMT genotypes in all groups.
- 基因型频率符合定律Hardy-Weinberg定律,C等位基因频率占92.5%,T占7.5%。 CC型者腰椎1-4的BMD值较CT型者有降低趋势(0.05
Except Trouch, there is obvious difference in BMD at all sites in more than 10 years group, compared with less than 10 years group (P<0.05).
- 这两组的Ser/Gly多态性分布均符合Hardy Weinberg定律。 The Ser/Gly distributions of both groups were accorded with Hardy Weinberg equilibrium.
- Weinberg差别法 Weinberg differential method
- 将在下一章加以研究的,乃是化合物为什么受这一定律的支配。 It is why compounds obey this law that will be studied in the next chapter.
- 牛顿时的运动定律适用于地球上一切东西。 Newton's law of motion apply to all things on the earth.
- 期望频数较小时Hardy-Weinberg平衡检验的确切概率计算 Calculation of Exact Probability for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Test with Small Samples
- 谁发现了引力定律? Who discovered the Law of Gravitation?
- 阿贝正弦定律 Abbe's sine law
- Hardy-Weinberg平衡 Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
- 阿布尼定律 Abney's law
- 阿伦定律 Allen's rule
- Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态 Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
- 摆定律 pendulum law
- 努森余弦定律 Knudsen's cosine law
- X~2检验表明,波尔山羊群体X~2=0.7056,P=0.4009(P<0.05)处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态。 The genotype frequency of AA was 0.8400, and the gene frequency of A was 0.9200. The result of X2 test showed that the x2=0.7056, and P=0.4009(P<0.05), so the Boer goat population was on the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium situation.
- 阿贝光度定律 Abbe photometric law
- 阿拉伯姆定律 Abram's law