- maupasi Enriques,1908的同物异名; , 1965 and Paracolpoda maupasi (Enriques, 1908) Lynn, 1975 could be regarded as synonyms of C.
- 第22届和24届美国总统(1837-1908)。 22nd and 24th President of the United States (1837-1908).
- H桥 H-bridge
- 第36届美国总统;被选为副总统并当肯尼迪遇刺后继任肯尼迪(1908-1973)。 36th President of the United States; was elected Vice President and succeeded Kennedy when Kennedy was assassinated (1908-1973).
- H-2 H-2
- h形 H-shaped
- Davenport(1908)和Bruce(1910)提出显性假说,Shull(1908)和East(1908)提出超显性假说。 Davenport (1908) and Bruce (1910) brought forward the dominance hypothesis, and almost at the same time Shull (1908) and East (1908) took out their over-dominance hypothesis.
- H圈 Hamihonian cycle
- Hβ Hβ zeolite
- 1908奥运会期间,埃希尔贝特-塔尔博特主教在为运动员布道时的讲话被顾拜旦采用,成为奥林匹克信条。 Pierre de Coubertin got the creed from a speech given by Bishop Ethelbert Talbot at a service for Olympic champions during the 1908 Olympic Games.
- H点 h-point
- (h) 任何通信是 (h) Any communication by
- H村 H Village
- H序 H order
- 阈值H Threshold H
- 英国博物学家W.H.哈得逊出生在阿根廷。 The English naturalist W.H. Hudson was born in Argentina.
- H.S.先生已退出本公司,特此奉告。 We have the honour to inform you of the retirement form this firm of Mr. H.S.
- H.264 H.264
- H型钢 H-beam