- The Box measures 5x6x7 cuBic centimetres. 盒子的尺寸是5x6x7 立方厘米。
- It was a curious little green box on four wheels. 那是安在四只轮子上的一只奇怪的小小的绿色车厢。
- I got a green box on my birthday. 我在我的生日得到了一个绿色的盒子。
- Mason’s front door.He carried a long white and green box and a clipboard . 他携带了一个长的白色和绿色的盒子和一个付有纸夹的笔记板。
- Why do the name card images have green boxes on it? 名片上面为什么会有绿框显示?
- When you clear the selection of a shape, the green boxes disappear. 清除选中的形状后,绿色框将消失。
- Although the "agricultural pact" limits the support and protection to agriculture , its green box policy has given every member country an opportunity to do some support . 运用“绿箱政策”来支持农业。
- Move your mouse pointer over one of the green boxes on the edge of the clip. 将鼠标指针移动到剪贴画边缘的一个绿框上。
- What's in the Small Green Box? 这个绿色的小盒子里面是什么?
- The green box is for you. 这绿色的盒子是要给你的。
- He peeked into the green box. 没有人在周围。
- Take pliers make combination pliers of third layer of boxes the inside broken, click the green box, get a flowerpot, and then click the green box, get an iron wire. 用钳子将第三层里面的盒子上的钢丝钳断,点击绿色的盒子,得到一个花盆,再点击绿色的盒子,得到一根铁丝。
- Resize the shape to accommodate your clip by clicking and dragging one of the green boxes on the edge of the shape. 通过单击并拖动形状边缘的绿色框,可以调整形状的尺寸以使其容纳剪贴画。
- Mr. Green spoke highly of our city. 格林先生很称赞我们的城市。
- I stood watching for the signal to change to green. 我站着等待交通信号转为绿灯。
- Mr Green is a professor in name but not in reality. 格林先生是徒有虚名的教授。
- The man whose right eye is blind is Mr. Green. 右眼瞎的那人是格林先生。
- Hello. worldwide flowers. Ers. Green speaking. 喂,这是世界花卉公司,我是格林太太。
- Are you going to get the house painted green? 你打算要把房子漆成绿色吗?
- The paper turned green as if by magic. 这纸魔术般地变成了绿色。