- "Market" in the preceding paragraph refers to the domestic Stock Exchange, GreTai Securities Market, and Futures Exchange. 前项所称市场,系指国内证券交易所、证券柜台买卖中心及期货交易所。
- China securities market yearbook II. 中国证券统计年报2。
- Herd behavior is an anomaly in securities market. 羊群效应是证券市场的一种异象。
- The securities market should be further standardized and developed. 进一步规范和发展证券市场。
- Does China's Securities Market Have Property- Creating Effect? 中国股市有财富效应吗?
- The title of my thesis is "a look at China's securities market". 我这篇论文的题目是《中国证券市场探析》。
- The declining securities market yesterday bottomed out and began to rise. 一直衰退的证券市场昨天股票价格下跌到最低点后开始回升了。
- Third, perfect the structure of security market. 完善证券市场结构;
- Unit 1 Why do Securities Markets Exist? 单元1证券市场为什么存在?
- The security market shows some trace of the bubble. 证券市场最近有些虚热的迹象。
- Research on Advanced Issues of Chinese Securities Market Development II. 中国证券市场发展前沿问题研究2。
- Is a foreign citizen allowed to do trading in your securities market? 外国公民可以在你们股市做交易吗?
- Second, we should establish an open, fair and transparent securities market. 第二,要建立一个公开、公正、透明的证券市场。
- CSRC may adjust the aforesaid requirements subject to the developments of securities market. 中国证监会根据证券市场发展情况,可以调整上述资产规模等条件。
- This is achieved visually through the security market line (SML). 这个模式通过证券市场线SML直观地实现。
- CSRC may adjust the above percentages based on the developments of securities market. 中国证监会根据证券市场发展情况,可以调整上述比例。
- We should earnestly implement the Securities Law to standardize and develop the securities market. 认真贯彻《证券法》,规范和发展证券市常
- Third, it is from standardizing the security market. 三是从规范证券市场谈国有股减持的必要性。
- "Institutional Shareholder Activism" has become an important feature in Western securities market. 摘要“股东积极主义”已经演进成为西方证券市场的一个重要特征。
- What Can Shareholder Structure Reform Bring to Chinese Securities Markets? 股权分置改革给我国证券市场带来什么?