- Giovanni Zuddas 祖达斯
- The singer made his debut as Mozart's Don Giovanni. 这位歌唱家初次登台表演莫札特的唐乔凡尼。
- That 's the overture to Mozart 's Don Giovanni . 那是莫扎特的《唐。吉奥瓦尼》的前奏曲。
- That's the overture to Mozart's Don Giovanni. 那是莫扎特的《唐·吉奥瓦尼》的前奏曲。
- Giovanni Cassini discovered Dione in 1684. 1684年乔万尼.;卡西尼发现了土卫四。
- To Giovanni, it was simply “a tirade. 目前也没有发现有我认识的人受伤。
- In Act 2 he learns of Giovanni's perfidy and swears revenge. 在第2幕,他得知吉奥瓦尼背叛,于是发誓报复。
- Ornella must enter the Bull Duchy and find Giovanni's hideouts. 欧尼拉必须进入公牛公国并找到乔瓦尼部队的藏身之所。
- It is one of the finest renderings of Don Giovanni I have ever heard. 这是我听到过唐。吉欧瓦尼作品的最佳演奏之一。
- It is one of the finest rendering of Don Giovanni I have ever heard . 这是我听到过唐.;吉欧瓦尼作品的最佳演奏之一。
- It was one of the finest renderings of Don Giovanni I've ever heard. 这是我听到过的唐.;欧瓦尼作品的最佳演奏之一。
- The extent of Giovanni's network was in adequation with his personal ambition. 乔瓦尼编织的地下网络和他个人的野心一样大。
- That was the story Giovanni told me when he was coming out of that relapse. 这是乔凡尼从再次堕落中走出来时给我讲的故事。
- Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Italian painter. With his command of perspective, light, color, and composition, he produced a large body of secular and ecclesiastical works, including The Banquet of Cleopatra and The Martyrdom of Saint Agatha(both1750). 泰波罗,乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯特1696-1770意大利画家,他对透视、光线、色彩和构图有杰出的掌握,创作了一大批世俗和宗教作品,其中有《克利奥帕特拉的宴会》和《圣阿加莎的殉道》(同为1750年)
- Strangely, Padre Pio's community in the small town of San Giovanni Rotondo was found to be 600m lire in the black. 奇怪的是,人们发现帕特尔在圣吉奥凡尼罗顿多小镇的机构有六亿里拉的银行存款。
- After a running battle that lasted about an hour, HMAS Sydney sunk the Bartolomeo Colleoni and damaged the other ship, the Giovanni Della Bande Nere. 在持续一个小时的交战中,HMAS悉尼击沉巴特洛姆欧克里奥里号和击沉另一艘船,格幽万尼德拉邦德尼勒号。
- The papers say that Anita Giovanni will be singing Tosca at the Auditorium,Monday evening,the seventeenth. 校刊上说AnitaCiovanni17日星期一晚上将在礼堂演唱“托斯卡。”
- Novellino is a favourite of Juve president Giovanni Cobolli Gigli and his No2, Jean-Claude Blanc. 他被目前的球队主席吉利以及二号人物布兰科看好。
- Giovanni Arduino - Le opere dello scrittore conosciuto con lo pseudonimo di Jonathan Snow e Joe Arden. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- The papers say that Anita Giovanni will be singing Tosca at the Auditorium, Monday evening, the seventeenth. 校刊上说AnitaCiovanni17日星期一晚上将在礼堂演唱“托斯卡。”