- But unbeknownst to the user, while the printer was beginning to work on page 1, the computer has already sent 15 pages into the printer’s buffer. 但是用户不知道的是,当打印机开始打印第1页时,计算机已经把15页报告交给了打印机缓存。
- With the increase of glutaraldehyde dosage,the SR of ACSG decreased in different pH buffer solutions. 随着交联剂用量的增加,ACSG的溶胀度逐渐降低;
- The dynamic swelling kinetics of the hydrogels pretreated in different buffer solutions have been studied. 研究了各种单体配比的水凝胶在不同溶胀历史条件下的溶胀动力学。
- A solution which resists pH changes is known as a buffer solution. 能够阻止pH值变化的溶液称为缓冲溶液。
- The optimizing hydration medium is phosphate buffer solution. 最佳的水合介质是磷酸盐缓冲液。
- The photoelectrochemical behavior of copper electrode in borax buffer solutions (pH9.2)containing BTA,CBTME and CBTBE was studied by using photoelectrochemical technique. 研究了铜电极在含 BTA及其系列 CBTME、CBTBE三种缓蚀剂的硼砂缓冲溶液 ( p H9.;2 )中的光电化学行为。
- Cu 2+ ? Zn 2+ ? Co 2+ and Ni 2+ with 2 (5 bromo 2 pyridylazo) 5 diethylaminophenol(5 Br PADAP) and cetyltrimethy lammonium bromide(CTMAB) in pH 8.3 buffer solutions were studied. 痕量Fe3+、Mn2 +、Cu2 +、Zn2 +、Co2 +、Ni2 +与 2 ( 5 溴 2 吡啶偶氮 ) 5 二乙氨基苯酚 ( 5 Br PADAP)和溴化十六烷基三甲基铵 (CTMAB)在pH 8.;3时发生高灵敏显色反应;所形成的三元胶束络合物的吸收光谱严重重叠。
- In many labs, buffer solutions are often prepared from capsules, tablets and chemical powders presuming that they are more accurate and less expensive when "freshly" made. 在许多实验室,常以化学药剂少量调配缓冲标准液,并且认为刚配制的试剂会较准确,价格上也比较便宜。
- The mice in the control group were injected with citrate buffer solution. 对照组单纯用等量柠檬酸盐缓冲液注射。
- Accuracy of analysis results was improved by buffer solution as the acidifier. 改用缓冲溶液作为酸化剂,提高了分析结果的准确性。
- The gold and silver absorbed on the resin can be guantitatively eluted by the solution of N aCN N aOH and buffer solution of H 3BO 3 -NaOH with solution of Na 2 S 2O 3. The gold and silver have been separated. 负载金银的树脂可分别用NaCN-NaOH 溶液和Na2S2O3 的H3BO3-NaOH 缓冲溶液定量洗脱,达到了一定程度的金银分离
- An electrochemical study of the interactions of alizarin red S (ARS) with bovine serum albumin (BSA) on the dropping mercury electrode in pH 4.2 Britton Robinson (B R) buffer solution is described. 在pH 4 .;2的Britton Robinson缓冲液中;茜素红S(ARS)与牛血清白蛋白 (BSA)能形成一种红色的非电活性的超分子复合物。
- In this short tutorial you will be learning to use OIS's buffered input as opposed to the unbuffered input we used last tutorial. 在本单元中你将学习使用与之前介绍的非缓冲机制不同的OIS缓冲输入机制。
- In this study, the conditions of CZE, such as running voltage, running temperature, injection pressure,injection time and the components of the buffer solutions were examined in detail. 详细考察了电泳分离参数,包括缓冲剂种类、缓冲溶液添加剂、分离电压、运行温度等的影响。
- The Accuflow is designed as multi-lane conveyor and provides a simple and cost-efficient buffer solution. Accuflow作为多道输送机,对缓冲问题提供了一个简单又经济实惠的解决方案。
- Why isn't ammonium sulfate included in the dialysis buffer? Why do you use the buffer solution instead of water? 为什么此步中透析缓冲液中不加硫酸铵?为什么使用缓冲液而不用水?
- EPZ exhibits an anodic peak at about 0.67 V (vs. SCE) and a shoulder in pH 3.5 citric acid-biphthalate buffer solution. 在pH3.;5的柠檬酸-邻苯二甲酸氢钾缓冲溶液中,爱普杷嗪于0
- A polarographic catalytic wave of glycyrrhizic acid (GA) is observed when H2O2 is present in acetate buffer solution. 作者发现在乙酸盐缓冲溶液中有H2O2存在时,甘草酸产生了极谱催化波。
- This paper introduced the cyclic Valt-ampere graph of lactoflavin in NH 3H 2O NH 4Cl(pH=10) Buffer solution. 介绍了在 NH3 · H2 O- NH4 Cl( PH=1 0 )缓冲溶液中的核黄素 (维生素 B2 )循环伏安图 ;
- In pH 6.0 phosphate buffer solution,the peak potentials are E_(pa)=0.281 V and E_(pc)=0.170 V(vs.Ag/AgCl). 实验结果表明;在pH 6.;0的磷酸盐缓冲溶液中;多巴胺在聚L-白氨酸修饰玻碳电极上产生一对灵敏的氧化还原峰;峰电位分别为Epa=0