- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
- I drove up in front of the house and honked. 我将车开到屋子前面然后按喇叭。
- I'm old enough to have the freedom to do as I like. 我已经足够大了,有权去做我喜欢做的事。
- Democracy is a bulwark of freedom. 民主是自由的保障。
- They bought peace with their freedom. 他们牺牲自由换取和平。
- The driver was ticketed for parking in front of a fire hydrant. 那个司机因把车停在消防栓前而接到交通违规罚单。
- I think freedom does imply responsibility. 我认为自由一定包含着责任。
- The core of our appeal is freedom of speech. 我们的要求的核心是言论自由。
- He stood in front of the shop with arms akimbo. 他两手叉腰,站在铺子前。
- There is a rose bush in front of the office. 办公室前有一丛玫瑰。
- He throttled the freedom of the press in the country. 他压制了这个国家的出版自由。
- She curled up in front of the fire with a book. 她蜷曲在炉火前看书。
- After 10 years in prison, he was given his freedom. 他坐了10年监狱以後又得到了自由。
- The patriots fought under the banner of freedom. 爱国者在自由的旗帜下战斗。
- He pushed his way to the front of the crowd. 他挤到了人群的前面。
- Freedom does not necessarily imply responsibility. 自由不一定包含著责任。
- The white bird is a symbol of freedom. 这白色的鸟是自由的象徵。
- A car suddenly pulled out in front of me. 一辆汽车突然横冲到我面前。
- We are jealous of our hard-won freedom. 我们珍惜得来不易的自由。
- A cold front is moving in from the north. 一股冷锋正从北方向这里移动。