- Second Degree Murder: Any felony murder not a first degree murder. 二级谋杀:不属于一级谋杀的任何重罪杀害。
- She was convicted of first degree murder, given death penalty in Alabama. 她被判为一级谋杀罪,判处死刑。
- Eric McLean is chargedwith first degree murder in last year deadlyshooting. 麦克里恩被指控在去年的重要的枪杀案中犯有一级谋杀罪。
- The perp has been charged with first degree murder but managed to escape the police before being apprehended. 正所谓针唔到肉唔知痛,当尼种事情发生系你身边的人,或者你身边的人的家人身上,就唔会觉得甘平常。
- The mother of a Idaho boy whose body was found in a canal and her boyfriend are facing first degree murder charges. 爱达荷州一名小男孩的尸体在下水道被找到,他的母亲和其男友目前面临一级谋杀指控。
- Defense Attorney Craig Albee talks (left) with his client, Mark Jensen, after a jury found Jensen guilty of first degree murder. 辩护律师克雷格会谈阿尔比(左)与他的当事人,马克延森后,陪审团认定詹森犯有一级谋杀罪。
- First Degree Murder: All premeditated murders, and (in some states) murders involving certain especially dangerous felonies, such as arson or rape, or committed by an inmate serving a life sentence. 一级谋杀:所有预谋杀害,(有些洲)谋杀中涉及某些极度危险的重罪,如纵火或强奸,或者由罪犯已经是无期徒刑的。
- Murder in the first degree is a capital crime. 谋杀是死罪。
- She decide to pursue her study after obtain her first degree. 她决定在获得学士学位之后继续深造。
- He did ten years for 1st degree murder. 他因犯一级谋杀罪坐了10年牢。
- She decided to pursue her studies after obtaining her first degree. 她决定在获得学士学位之後继续深造。
- First degree murder 一级谋杀
- After his first degree, he wishes to specialize. 获得学士学位之后,他希望专攻某科。
- After his first degree he wishes to specialize. 获得学士学位之后,他希望专攻某科。
- TUTOR: So ... your first degree was in Economics? 你第一个学位是经济。
- After his first degree he wishes to specialise. 获得学士学位之后, 他希望专攻某科。
- Second Degree Murder: Any premeditated murder or felony murder that does not involve special circumstances. 二级谋杀:任何不设计特殊情况的预谋伤害或者重罪杀害。
- She decides to pursue her study after obtaining her first degree . 她决定在获得学士学位之後继续深造。
- Specialized learning happens largely after the first degree. 许多真正的专门化学习发生在研究生层次。
- She decided to pursueher studies after obtaining her first degree. 她决定在获得学士学位之後继续深造。