- Comrade Lei Feng left an undying example behind. 雷锋同志留下了一个不朽的榜样。
- The teacher is telling story about Lei Feng. 教师正在讲关于雷锋的故事。
- Feng Dac 冯道
- Lei Feng never ceased trying to measure up to his ideal. 雷锋努力按这个理想去做,从不停息。
- The DAC scheduler is the exception. DAC计划程序例外。
- They all started to compare him to Lei Feng. 他们都开始把他比作雷锋。
- Lei Feng's spirit should be remembered. 雷锋精神应铭记在心。
- Our school has been renovated by Lei Feng's spirit. 我们学校因受到雷锋精神的影响而重整旗鼓振作起来。
- In 1960 Lei Feng was accepted as a Party member. 1960年雷锋被吸收入党。
- We should do as Comrade Lei Feng did. 我们应该像雷锋同志那样去做。
- Lei Feng lost his father af five. 雷锋5岁时就失去了父亲。
- Feng Boyi: This vestige motivated you. 冯博一:但是这个痕迹会带动你。
- Your parents believe in feng shui. 你父母信风水。
- How did Ling Feng make the baby stop crying? 林峰是怎样让婴儿不哭的呢?
- May I introduce myself? I'm Lin Feng. 我可以介绍我自己吗?我叫林枫。
- Enable this option to use the DAC from a remote computer. 启用此选项可通过远程计算机使用DAC。
- The error log contains the port number the DAC is listening on. 错误日志包含所侦听的DAC所在的端口号。
- I went to the exhibition in memory of Lei Feng. 我参观了纪念雷锋展览会。
- On cluster configurations, the DAC will be off by default. 对于群集配置,DAC在默认情况下是禁用的。
- This is Feng Gang, his former classmate. 我是冯刚,他以前的同学。