- Dan Zi exterior line can generate actinic aerosol. 因此对其很容易忽视,但由于长期积累,对皮肤造成的伤害最大。
- Command line operation of Disk Defragmenter is not supported. 不支持磁盘碎片整理程序的命令行操作。
- It is the world's first commercial maglev line operation. 是世界第一条商业运营的磁悬浮专线。
- Mobile warfare is the form in which regular armies wage quick-decision offensive campaigns and battles on exterior lines along extensive fronts and over big areas of operation. 运动战,就是正规兵团在长的战线和大的战区上面,从事于战役和战斗上的外线的速决的进攻战的形式。
- Its exterior line is fluent and concise, the surface is titanium argent, colour is full, bright and clean had spent, have a metal to feel character. 它的外观线条流畅简洁,表面为钛银色,色彩饱满,光洁度好,具有金属质感。
- This air line operates five main. 这家经营五条主干线和二十条支线。
- In charge of managing production line operator. 负责管理生产线和操作员.
- Managing MRO usage in each cell and line operation, decrease MRO cost to reach our target. 管理各作业小区和装配线的MRO使用,降低MRO成本并达到计划目标。
- After elastic of anal fistula classics hangs line operation, can you sit to attend class immediately? 肛瘘经橡皮筋挂线手术后,能不能马上坐着上课?
- Third, its purpose is to reverse the situation with regard to interior and exterior lines. 第三,是为了改变内外线的形势。
- Aptitude supports most command line operations of apt-get. aptitude支持大多数apt-get的命令行操作。
- This is the right moment for us to carry the war to exterior lines; otherwise, we shall suffer setbacks. 这时时机成熟了,就应该转到外线,否则就要吃亏。
- Measures for safeguarding the efficiency, as well as maintenance packages and support in line operation details, are part of this LCS Services concept. 各项用于确保设备使用效率的措施,例如设备的维护保养、技术支持以及和设备驱动有关的其它详细问题,都隶属于终身服务的客户服务内容。
- Third,its purpose is to reverse the situation with regard to interior and exterior lines. 第三,是为了改变内外线的形势。
- This is the right moment for us to carry the war to exterior lines; otherwise,we shall suffer setbacks. 这时时机成熟了,就应该转到外线,否则就要吃亏。
- Ouick decision refers to the tempo of an offensive,and exterior lines refer to its scope. 速决是说的进攻的时间,外线是说的进攻的范围。
- The general methods and effect factors of adhesive blockage technique on- line operation with temperature and pressure were introduce. Some examples of its application were given. 介绍了化工设备带温带压粘接堵漏的常用方法及其影响因素。结合实例,阐述了该技术在化工设备运行状态下的应用情况。
- Ouick decision refers to the tempo of an offensive, and exterior lines refer to its scope. 速决是说的进攻的时间,外线是说的进攻的范围。
- And for us,interior lines and the defensive in strategic operations will be transformed into exterior lines and the offensive in campaigns and battles. 我之战略作战上的内线和防御,在战役和战斗的作战上就变成了外线和进攻。
- In a word,the above operational principle for fighting campaigns and battles is one of "quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines". 上述这样的战役和战斗的作战方针,一句话说完,就是:“外线的速决的进攻战”。