- It's too much of an expense for me to own a car. 对我来说,拥有一辆汽车的花费太大。
- On Construction of Witness Economic Compensation System in China--From "The Expense for Witness" 论我国证人经济补偿制度的构建--由"作证费"引出的法律思考
- Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit. 引用是智慧的快捷键。
- It is too much of an expense for me to own a car. 对我来说,拥有一辆汽车的花费太大。
- He is sparing no expense for the wedding. 为了婚礼他不惜花费。
- Police have appealed for witnesses to come forward. 警方呼吁目击者挺身而出。
- The dress is too expensive for me to buy. 那衣服太昂贵,我买不起。
- While dry is fine for wit and wine, it drags a complexion down. 蕴涵丰富的樱桃、苹果、梨子的营养成分,能深入肌肤深层。
- Expense for Witness 作证费
- Julie's parents had spared no expense for her wedding. 朱莉的父母为她的婚礼花了很多钱。
- What was your total out-of-pocket expense for the trip? 你为这次旅行一共花了多少钱?
- Gambling can be a real expense for someone who loses all the time. 有些人会把所有时间都花在赌博上。
- I have no relish for witnessing cruelty. 我对看残忍的场面不感兴趣。
- She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit. 她在引用别人的话方面很有天赋,这是对智慧的一个绝佳替代。
- The house is becoming too expensive for them to keep up. 他们的房子维修费用贵得越来越修不起了。
- Oxford for learning, London for wit, Hull for women and York for horses. 牛津人学问好;伦敦人才智高;哈勒的女人美;约克的马匹棒.
- Police have appealed for witnesses to the accident. 警方呼吁这个事故的目击者出来作证。
- The police have issued an appeal for witnesses. 警方发出了寻找目击证人的呼吁。
- Steaks are too expensive for bur budget. 牛排对我们来说太贵了。
- Police appealed for witnesses to step forward. 警方呼吁目击者挺身而出。