- The Overall Estimates of the Exemption Agricultural Tax Reform Achievements in Heilongjiang Province 黑龙江省免征农业税改革绩效的总体估价
- Exemption agricultural tax 免征农业税
- Policy Choice of Constructing New Countryside after Exempting Agricultural Tax 免除农业税后建设新农村的政策选择
- Have the burdens on farmers of Zhejiang Province been lightened since their exemption from the agricultural tax, and what changes have taken place thereafter? 摘要浙江省全面取消农业税后,农民负担还重不重,发生了哪些新的变化?
- After the exemption of agricultural tax, the problem facing villages and towns is not the simple increase or decrease in organizations and funds or the "permutation and combination" of personnel, but institution and mechanism at the deeper level. 摘要免征农业税后乡镇面临的问题不是机构、经费的简单增减和人员的“排列组合”问题,而是深层次的体制和机制问题。
- Beginning this year, the agricultural tax rate will be rescinded in five years. 加快推进县乡机构等配套改革。
- Hello, Agricultural Tax Imposition and Administration of Hangzhou Fiscal Bureau. What can I do for you? 您好!杭州市财政局农税征收管理局。我能为您做点什么?
- The reform of township governmental organizations will move fast as the abolishment of the Agricultural tax. 随着农业税的取消,乡镇机构的改革也加快了步伐。
- Development and nonce situation of agricultural tax system and peasants burden were discussed.4. 分别论述了农业税收体系,农民负担问题的沿革和农民负担的现状。
- In the past, agricultural taxes were the main tax revenue in our country. 过去,农业税是我国的主体税。
- To carry out this policy of maximum benevolence sacrifices had to be made, money spent and more collected in agricultural tax. 要施这个最大的仁政,就要有牺牲,就要用钱,就要多收些农业税。
- Subsidies received by Luochuan to cover its loss of tax income were fixed at the level of its agricultural tax revenues in 2002. 国家拨给洛川的补助,用以填补农业税取消造成的收入损失,只是相当于2002年洛川农业税收入的水平。
- Normal VAT payers have the right require deduction of input tax calculated on the tax exempted agricultural products purchased form the agricultural producers or agricultural products from small-scale VAT payers. 39增值税一般纳税人向农业生产者购进免税农业产品,或向小规模纳税人购进农业产品,有要求计算进项税额予以扣除的权利。
- The government has cancelled agricultural taxes, all the farmers are jubilant. 国家取消了农业税,农民们无不欢欣鼓舞。
- Derating, till abolishing the agricultural taxes, has a profound meaning. 论文最后部分主要对现阶段以及今后一个时期切实减轻农民负担政策的几点思考。
- be exempt from agricultural tax because of crop failure 因灾歉而被免征农业税
- He is exempt from punishment about this thing. 关于此事对他已免于处分。
- This present paper argues the peasant burden at present, discusses the theoretical gist to abolish agricultural tax, and produces the suggestions to reduce peasant burden. 针对目前农民负担沉重的问题,阐述了取消农业税的理论依据,提出了减轻农民负担的几点建议。
- These houses are exempt from paying rates. 这些房子是免付捐税的。
- Within three years, they shall be exempted from Resources Tax, Slaughtering Tax, Agricultural Tax and Agricultural Specialty Tax and Land Use Fee is exempted for ten years. 三年内免征资源税、屠宰税、农业税、农业特产税和免收十年土地使用费;