- Epidemic acute poliomyelitis specified as nonparalytic 急性流行性脊髓灰质炎特指为非麻痹性者
- Epidemic acute poliomyelitis 流行性急性脊髓灰质炎
- No case of acute poliomyelitis, diphtheria, plague, rabies, relapsing fever or yellow fever was reported during the specified years. 在各指定年度內並無接報急性脊髓灰質炎(小兒麻痺)、白喉、瘟疫、狂犬病、回歸熱或黃熱病個案。
- No case of acute poliomyelitis, diphtheria, influenza A(H5), influenza A(H7), influenza A(H9), plague, relapsing fever or yellow fever was reported during the specified years. 在各指定年度内并无接报急性脊髓灰质炎(小儿麻痹)、白喉、甲型流行性感冒(H5)、甲型流行性感冒(H7)、甲型流行性感冒(H9)、瘟疫、回归热或黄热病个案。
- Hepatitis E virus (HEV), an pathogen which causes feces-mouth transmission of epidemic acute viral hepatitis E, was considered as a very important zoonosis. 戊型肝炎病毒(hepatitis E virus, HEV)是引起经粪口传播的传染性急性戊型肝炎的病原体,近年来被认为是一种人兽共患病,在兽医界成为人们关注的焦点。
- No case of acute poliomyelitis, diphtheria, influenza A(H5), influenza A(H7), influenza A(H9), plague, rabies, relapsing fever or yellow fever was reported during the specified years. 在各指定年度内并无接报急性脊髓灰质炎(小儿麻痹)、白喉、甲型流行性感冒(H5)、甲型流行性感冒(H7)、甲型流行性感冒(H9)、瘟疫、狂犬病、回归热或黄热病个案。
- Acute poliomyelitis with other paralysis 急性脊髓炎伴其他麻痹
- late effects of acute poliomyelitis 急性脊髓灰质炎后遗影响
- A flu epidemic raged through the school for weeks. 流感在这所学校里蔓延了几个星期。
- The magnitude of the epidemic was frightening. 这种流行病传播范围之广令人惶惶不安。
- Many people died from the smallpox epidemic. 很多人死于天花流行病。
- The village is suffering from a cholera epidemic. 这个村庄正流行霍乱。
- We have stamped out the epidemic. 我们已经把那种流行病根绝了。
- The mortality wrought by an epidemic. 由一传染病引起的大批死亡
- The patient is complaining of acute earache. 病人说耳部剧痛。
- It's acute appendicitis. We ought to operate. 这是急性阑尾炎。应当开刀。
- Scientists have isolated the virus causing the epidemic. 科学家们已分离出引起这种流行病的病毒。
- This area has an acute shortage of water. 这个地方缺水严重。
- The news of the epidemic struck terror into the population. 流行病蔓延的消息使居民感到恐慌。