- The plasmid pBV220-Arr. could be expressed in E. 成功构建的重组质粒pBV220-Arr在E.
- Differ- ent people are dressed differently indeed. 不同人穿衣服是不 一样。
- Money ent on the brain is never ent in vain. 用于教育之金钱决不虚掷。
- The recombinant plasmid pUC18 E6 had been got. 获得重组质粒 pUC18 E6。
- ENT: including hearing and ENT (ear-nose-throat) etc. 五官科:含听力及耳鼻咽喉等。
- Press ENT button to skip the item of Halftone Recording entry. 按ENT按钮以跳过半音调栏这一项。
- Recombinant plasmid pGEX-Csn was transformed into E. 重组质粒pGEX-Csn转化E.
- Objective To construct the plasmid expressing BDV p40 gene. 目的构建博尔纳病病毒p40基因重组表达质粒。
- Press ENT button to register the entered frequency to channel 41. 按ent按钮把输入的频率登记到41频道。
- In addition, a set of expression plasmid vectors, PMS-31b. 同时构建一组质粒表达载体PMS-31b。
- Mo bile-government can be seen as a subnet of e-governm ent. 移动政府即把电子政府的部分功能从固定网转移到移动网来实现,可以把移动政府看成电子政府的一个子集。
- Constructed the expression plasmid pTrc-rCR and checked it. 构建表达质粒pTrc-rCR,并酶切检验;
- I'm doing research in ENT at Lincoln College in Tennessee. 我正在田纳西州林肯学院从事耳鼻喉方面的研究。
- The PNL-BDNF-IRES2-EGFP plasmid was identified to be correct. 构建的慢病毒载体质粒PNL-BDNF-IRES2-EGFP经Sal I和BamH I双酶切鉴定正确,三质粒共转染293T细胞后荧光激发可见大量绿色荧光。
- Ent is about to put out a statement on its wages policy. 政府将对工资政策发表声。
- In the 6th week plasmid DNA could only be detected in quadriceps. 第6周除在股四头肌可检测到外,其余组织中均为阴性;
- A large amount of money is ent on tobacco every year. 每年许多的钱花在了烟草上。
- I focus on the role of antisense RNAs in plasmid replication. 本文着重叙述反义RNA在质粒复制中的作用及其进展。
- The honourable journalist ent an hour on the journey of tour. 可敬的新闻记者在观光旅程上花了一个小时.
- We intend tonave a ball at the umus sfxswt ent park today. 我们打算今天到游乐场玩个痛快。