- Eklund Alexandra. 演员:Jacob.
- Alexandra hummed an old Swedish hymn. 亚历山德拉哼起了一首古老的瑞典歌曲。
- Alexandra felt that this was a tactful speech. 亚历山德拉觉得这番话讲得颇有风趣。
- Alexandra watched the shimmering pool dreamily. 亚历山德拉出神地望着波光粼粼的池塘。
- Alexandra and the Molinas sent them for Max. 那是Alexandra和 Molina全家送给max的。
- Yes, he missed a phone call from Alexandra. 对 他没接到Alexandra打来的电话。
- I'm glad you came by, Alexandra. 我很高兴你能来 Alexandra。
- "Oh, it was my fault!" said Alexandra eagerly. “哦,这全怪我”亚历山德拉热情地回答。
- And Alexandra brought us a pumpkin pie. 给我们带来了一个南瓜派。
- How was your Thanksgiving dinner, Alexandra? 你们的感恩节晚餐怎么样 Alexandra?
- Alexandra was to hear more of Ivar's case. 亚历山德拉仍不免会听到更多有关埃法尔的话题。
- Aunt Alexandra was present but silent. 亚历山德拉姑妈也在场,但没吭气。
- Can I invite Alexandra to stay for dinner? 我可以请Alexandra留下来吃晚餐吗?
- Alexandra: You ready for the next problem? 爱丽姗黛:你准备好下一个问题了吗?
- I mean, Alexandra Pappas.Come in, please. 我的意思是我哥哥见见到你会非常高兴。
- Robbie: Can I invite Alexandra to stay for dinner? 爱伦:噢,那样的话,你可以在晚饭后洗碗、做清洁。
- Yeah. -Hallelujah. Give it up for Alexandra. 是的。-哈利路亚。别哭了,亚历山德拉。
- Winters | Alexandra LoRusso | Aaron J. 演员: Cyn Dulay | Chris Margetis | Andrea N.
- All 34 of my students were dear to me, but Mark Eklund was one in a million. 全班34个学生都和我很亲密,但马克确是百里挑一。
- Aunt Alexandra was positively irritable on the Lord's Day. 每蓬星期日亚历山德拉姑妈就很容易发火。