- Did you see that girl do a streak across the cricket pitch at London? 你看到那姑娘公开裸体奔过伦敦的大板球场吗?
- Do you see that girl with blonde highlights? 你看见那个挑染金色头发的女孩吗?
- Do you know that girl student over there? 你认识那边的那位女生吗?
- What do you fancy? What would you like to have? 您喜欢吃什么?
- Do you fancy taking a walk on deck? 你愿不愿意到甲板上散散步?
- Do you remember Myrna, that girl I took out once? 你还记得那个叫莫娜的女孩吗,我和她有过一次约会的。
- Which horse do you fancy in the next race? 下一轮赛马你认为哪匹马会赢?
- Do you fancy going out this evening? 今晚你想不想外出?
- Do you fancy a bad-minton match? 想去看羽毛球比赛吗?
- Do you fancy going to see a movie tonight? 你今晚想去看电影吗?
- What do you fancy for your dinner? 你晚饭想要些什么?
- Who do you fancy on-screen, then? 那么,在电影中你喜欢谁?
- Do you know the name of that girl whose brother is your roommate? 你知道她的哥哥与你同寝室的那位女孩的名字吗?
- Do you fancy something to drink? 你想喝点什么吗?
- Do you fancy the Back Street Boys? 你喜爱"后街男孩"吗?
- A detective : Detective Alberts. What do you know about that girl ? 侦探:我是阿尔伯侦探。那个女孩,你知道她什么?
- Mick: Shite! Ok. What do you fancy? 米克:倒霉!那好吧。你想吃什么?
- Did you fancy Kafir the first time that you saw him? |第一次见到他时 你就爱上他了吗?
- SCULLY: How did you know that girl was going to have the marks? 你怎么知道那个女孩会有记号?
- Do you fancy visiting the Temple of the Sleeping Buddha? 你想去参观卧佛寺吗?