- Methods: Economic burden of type 2 diabetes mellitus includes direct medical cost, direct nonmedical cost and indirect cost. 方法:根据上海市2型糖尿病及其并发症的年直接医疗费用、年直接非医疗费用和间接费用计算2型糖尿病的疾病经济负担。
- So farms have to deal with medical cost and lost labor. 因此农夫们不得不药物处理和丧失劳动。
- The aim of the study is to estimate the direct medical cost, based on resources utilization and objective outcomes of these two treatment modalities for distal ureteral stone. 摘要:本研究的目的以采用医疗资源耗用的方式,计算两种治疗方式的直接医疗成本和客观的治疗效果参数。
- Higher medical costs legislate against an improvement in health. 医疗费用的上涨妨碍了健康的改善。
- Direct medical costs used for every patient, and detailed buildups of every cost during the 3rd month post hand injury were collected. 分别采集两组患者自发病到发病后3个月的直接医疗费用, 以及各费用的详细构成。
- In addition to the direct costs of insurance, the practice of defensive medicine adds to medical costs. 除了保险的直接费用之外,防护性医疗也增加了医疗费用。
- To prevent the occurrence of medical cost arrear,the strategies should be developed in many fields. 为防范医院医疗欠费的发生,在政策方面应完善社会医疗保障体系,建立医疗欠费基金,控制医疗总费用的增长;
- He says lowering medical cost is the most important thing he can do to ensure a healthy domestic economy. 他说降低医疗成本是他能做的最重要的事情,这样才能确保一个健康的国内经济。
- Out-of-pocket medical costs in the States can be very high. 在美国自费就医费用会很高。
- Objective: To summarize the operation effect and medical cost of peptic ulcer perforation patients. 目的:总结消化性溃疡穿孔的手术治疗效果及医疗经济费用。
- Objective To analyze the medical cost and effectiveness of the self-made fecal incontinence drainage system. 目的探讨自制大便失禁引流装置的护理成本及应用效果。
- Obesity-related costs are likely to lead not only to drastic increases in direct medical costs, but also to indirect costs like decreased worker productivity and absenteeism. 与肥胖有关的问题不仅可能导致直接医疗费用的大幅增加,还会产生员工生产率下降和缺勤等间接成本。
- If the patient of CVD could improve their condition of hypertension to ordinary standard, then the medical cost of CVD will reduce 27.72%. 经由实证估计,得到如下之结果:若群体改善高血压至平常人的水平,则群体的心脏血管疾病的医疗成本约可以减少27.;72%25的水平。
- Abstract: The accumulated fund in individual account of Chinese medical insurance has little effect on resolving the problem of medical cost. 摘要我国医疗保险个人帐户资金的积累对解决职工医疗费问题的作用相当有限。
- Results: The average medical cost in the trial group was 270.2527 yuan, compared to 312.6310 yuan in controlled group (P<0.05). 结果:治疗组平均医疗费用270.;2527元,对照组312
- The treatment cost included the direct medical costs in iron product, EPO, medical examination and adverse events, and indirect medical costs in traffic, nursing, nutriment and the loss of labor. 以铁剂治疗前后患者血红蛋白和红细胞比容的变化及治疗的好转程度衡量治疗效果,以有效率作为效果指标。
- There exists prevailing information asymmetry in the health care market,physician-induced demand become an intractable problem in controlling rapid increasing medical cost. 医疗费用逐年增长,由于医疗服务供方在医疗信息上的优势及医疗产业化的背景,使得医疗供方诱导需求现象成为医疗费用增长不可忽视的因素,大部分的研究都无法对诱导需求现象进行定量研究。
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。
- Many Americans now get heath care insurance from their employers, but with medical cost soaring and business failing to ____ recession, the system is shrinking. 一部分美国人从他们的雇主那儿拿到了医疗保险,但随着医疗消费的剧增,并且很多企业都受到经济衰退的重压,这个卫生保健系统的效力已经显得有限。
- Lead used in shielding of radiation for Non Medical X-ray equipment, 非医用X光机的射线防护屏中使用的铅,