- This indicates that if you want to learn something well, first of all, you should develop a keen interest in it, and you won't feel it. 这表明如果你想学好什么,你首先应该培养对它的浓厚兴趣,这样你就不会感到枯燥。
- She showed a keen interest in the new research. 她对于新的研究表现出浓厚的兴趣。
- He takes a keen interest in his work. 他对工作非常感兴趣。
- He has a keen interest in his work. 他对自己的工作有强烈的兴趣。
- I have a keen interest in collecting stamps. 我对集邮有强烈的兴趣。
- Rodin developed a keen interest in French cathedrals while on a journey to Italy during the winter of 1875. 1875年冬天,罗丹在去义大利的旅途中开始对法国大教堂产生一股激情。
- While at school, I was responsible for the editing of the school newsletter and have developed a keen interest in the publishing industry. 在校期间,本人负责校报的编辑工作,由此发展出对出版业强烈的兴趣。
- He took a keen interest in his grandson's education. 他对孙子的教育很感兴趣。
- By better understanding the underlying principles of engineering practices, graduate engineers may develop a keener interest in civil engineering work and so stay in the civil engineering field. 我想,只要他们能清楚掌握土木工程的基本要求,便会对这门学科大感兴趣,从而留在工程界发挥所长,学以致用。
- Since acquiring your petrol options, you have developed a keener interest in petrol price trends and their influences. 自购入汽油期权以来,您已对汽油价格的走势和影响产生浓厚的兴趣。
- Develope a keen interest in 对某事产生浓厚的兴趣
- Many people are taking a keen interest in the result of the vote. 许多人对投票结果非常感兴趣。
- Early on, the company showed a keen interest in the world of sports. 很早以来,公司便对运动世界表现出强烈的兴趣。
- All around were change and decay. I took a keen interest in the social revolution going on all round me. 周围一切都在变化。我对身边发生的社会变革十分兴趣。
- They have a wide knowledge of everyday things, and a keen interest in their particular city and state. 他们对日常事情所知甚广,对所在的城市和州深为关切。
- We share a keen interest in issues of good practices and clear thinking for XML users and developers. 我们都对XML用户和开发人员的最简实践和清晰思路抱有浓厚的兴趣。
- As I implied earlier, we have a keen interest in the euro and a quiet wish for its success. 我较早已有提及,我们对欧元感到极大兴趣,并希望它可发展成功。
- Age and obesity had made her inapt for love, but she took a keen interest in the amatory affairs of the young. 年龄和发胖已经使她自己不能再谈情说爱了,但是她对年轻人的恋爱事却极有兴趣。
- He has a keen interest in filmmaking and his dream is to run his own film company. 他对拍电影有浓厚的兴趣,他的梦想就是办自己的电影公司。
- Dodo, my grandmother, would have taken such a keen interest in this whole project. 窦窦,是我的祖母,本来是会对我这项工程完全感兴趣的。