- An improved CTAB method of DNA extraction is applied to obtaining genomic DNA from silica gel dried leaves of Dendrocalamus sinicus Chia et J. L. Su. The DNA is successfully used for RAPD analysis. 用改良CTAB法从巨龙竹硅胶干燥的叶片中提取基因组DNA,成功地进行RAPD扩增。
- Study on Tissue Culture of Dendrocalamus sinicus 珍稀竹种巨龙竹组织培养研究
- Study of Fiber Morphology and Its Variation Law of Dendrocalamus sinicus 巨龙竹纤维形态及变异规律的研究
- Keywords dendrocalamus sinicus;chemical component;fiber morphology;pulping properties;Dehong; 巨龙竹;化学成分;纤维形态;制浆性能;德宏;
- A Study on the Population Characteristics of the Valuable and Rare Bamboo Species of Dendrocalamus sinicus and Its Conservation in Yunnan, China 珍稀竹种巨龙竹种群特性及其保护研究
- Dendrocalamus sinicus n. 歪脚龙竹
- Primary Research on Methods on Breaking Seed Dormancy of Astragalus sinicus L. 打破紫云英种子休眠方法初探。
- The genus Dendrocalamus Nees and its neighboring two new genera from China. 中国牡竹属及近缘二新属.
- There are a lot of wild Astragalus Sinicus L growing on the mountain. 那边山上生长着很多野生的红花草。
- Rhizobium strain A106L (a member of the A106 series) nodulating Astra-galus sinicus was taken as parent strain. 以紫云英根瘤菌A106L(A106菌系的一株)为出发菌株,在正常培养条件下得到的170个分离系中,有19个分离系对紫云英无结瘤能力;
- The thesis expounded Dendrocalamus Latiflorus characteristic of botany and biology. 论述了麻竹植物学和生物学特性。
- In this paper, drying properties of dendrocalamus giganteus were studied using microwave drying. 摘要对龙竹竹材在微波干燥下的干燥特性进行了研究。
- In this paper,drying properties of dendrocalamus giganteus were studied using microwave drying. 对龙竹竹材在微波干燥下的干燥特性进行了研究。
- Rhinolophus sinicus has been elevated to a new species from subspecies of Rinolophus rouxi. 摘要中华菊头蝠是由鲁氏菊头蝠华东亚种提升的一个种。
- Dendrocalamus parishii (species no. 16) could not be included in the following key because its culm sheaths are not known. 并不的种。16)不能以以下音调包括不因为它的竿箨知道。
- Any of various usually woody, temperate or tropical grasses of the genera Arundinaria, Bambusa, Dendrocalamus, Phyllostachys, or Sasa. 竹子一种通常为木质的,温带或热带禾本科植物,青篱竹属、竹属、苏麻竹属、毛竹属或赤竹属
- Temperature distribution was tested along thickness direction of Dendrocalamus giganteus timber under different hot pressing temperatures. 测定了龙竹竹材在不同热压温度下干燥时的温度分布。
- The ultrastructures of the forgut and hindgut in copepods Calanus sinicus(Brodsky, 1962) and Calanopia thompsoni (A.Scott, 1909) are observed bylight and electron microscopes. 用光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜对植食性的中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus Brodsky;1962)和肉食性的汤氏长足水蚤(Calanopia thompsoni A.;scott;1909)的前肠和后肠进行观察。
- It's the first time I breed Puseudorhaetus sinicus sinicus.This species is easy to breed, but most of my larva were kiiled by larva of Elateridae for my lack of experience. 第一次饲育拟鹿角,虽然饲育难度并不大,但是大部分的幼虫却死于扣甲幼虫T.
- Accumulation coefficients of different crops is in following order: Astragalus sinicus>Oryza saliva>Glycine max>Hordeum vulgare>Zea mays>Triticum oestivum. 不同农作物对镉的吸收程度不同,富集系数为紫云英>水稻>大豆>大麦>玉米>小麦。