- "That" is a demonstrative pronoun. that是一个指示代词。
- Demonstrative NP 指示词语
- The demonstrative pronouns these and that. 指示代词these(这些)和that(那)
- It cause the parser to parse an np. 它调用分析程序分析一个名词短语。
- He's very demonstrative; he kissed me on both cheeks. 他热情奔放,吻了我的双颊。
- The exhibition is demonstrative of many problems in the city. 这一展览说明了本市存在的许多问题。
- It causes the parser to parse an NP. 它调用分析程序分析一个名词短语。
- That is demonstrative of our progress. 那件事证明了我们的进步。
- It cerse the parser to parse an np. 它调用分析程序分析一个名词短语。
- Knapsack problem is a typical NP complete problem. 背包问题是一个典型的np完全问题。
- This is analogous to the NP Complete problem. 这与NP完全问题是类似的。
- They are doing their utmost to open np an outlet. 他们正在尽最大努力以打开销路。
- The Nanzhuangtou site (NP?) excavated in Hebei. 河北南庄头遗址发掘.
- T hi s i s NP R Ne ws f r o m Was hi ng t o n. 声明:本资料由听力课堂网站收集整理,仅供英语爱好者学习使用,资料版权属于原作者。
- Noun phrase is abbreviated as NP. 名词片语缩写成 NP.;。
- An affectionate and demonstrative family. 一个慈爱并且开朗的家庭
- Some people are more demonstrative than others. 有些人较爱流露感情.
- Some children are more demonstrative than others. 有些小孩比其他的小孩更易情绪外露。
- As Personal Pronoun or Demonstrative Pronoun. 作人称代词,指示代词。
- What did she do that was so demonstrative of faith? 她做了甚么事显示出她的信心?