- Mr. Sandy decide to postpone deliver a lecture. 桑德斯先生决定延期演讲。
- To deliver a lecture to(a class or an audience). 给(班级或听众)作讲演
- One day Shoun left for a distant temple to deliver a lecture. 一天,正安前往远方的寺庙讲学。
- To deliver a lecture or series of lectures. 作演讲或系列演讲
- He decided to postpone delivering a lecture. 他决定推迟讲座。
- Our professor will deliver a lecture on Shakespeare tomorrow . 我们的教授将于明天讲演莎士比亚的作品。
- Our professor will deliver a lecture on Shakespeare tomorrow. 我们的教授将于明天讲演莎士比亚的作品。
- She is due to deliver a lecture on genetic engineering. 根据安排她要作一个关于遗传工程的演讲。
- This Sunday is impossible, because i had to deliver a lecture at meeting. 星期日是不可能了,因为那天我得在一个会议上讲话。
- Mr. Brown felt greatly flatteredwhen he received the invitation to deliver a lecture. 布朗先生接到做演讲的邀请时感到非常荣幸。
- Mr. Brown felt greatly flattered when he received the invitation to deliver a lecture. 布朗先生接到作演讲的邀请时感到非常荣幸.
- MASTER (to Ram): "Now tell me why my arm was hurt. Stand up and deliver a lecture on that. (Laughter. 师父(对罗姆说):“现在告诉我,为什么我的手会受伤。请站起来发表有关的演讲。(笑声更大了)
- I visited the refugees and bought something for them while I was there, but the main purpose of my visit was to deliver a lecture. 我去那边是顺便看难民,买一些东西给他们,这样子而已,讲经就是比较主要的理由。
- Al-Azhar has earlier snubbed a papal invitation to visit the Vatican as well as a proposal to invite the Pope to deliver a lecture on Islam, insisting on a clear-cut apology. 爱资哈尔一开始便拒绝罗马教庭提出的访问梵蒂冈,并邀教皇发表对伊斯兰的讲说。并坚持要求教皇给与明确的道歉。
- Deliver a lecture. 发表演讲
- On the afternoon of September 14th, Professor Baorong Ni and Professor Cunwei Lu from Fukuoka Institute of Technology deliver a lecture to the students majoring in Japanese language of GLIT. 9月14日下午,日本福冈工业大学倪宝荣教授与卢存伟教授到我校给日语专业学生作了关于日本情况介绍的讲座。
- I have many anecdotes, but I'll relate just one: In 1980 a small group of free-market economists and members of the Parliament invited Friedrich Hayek to deliver a lecture at the National Assembly. 我有许多有关他 的趣事,但这里我就讲述其中一件趣事:在1980年,一些自由市场经济学家和法国议会的议员们邀请哈耶克在国民议会上发表演讲。
- The University has invited Professor William F.Sharpe, 1990 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences to deliver a lecture on 29 November.Seats are limited and available on a first-come first-served basis. 大学邀得1990年诺贝尔经济学奖得主威廉.夏普教授于11月29日主持新鸿基地产诺贝尔奖得奖学人杰出讲座。
- He wormed out of giving a lecture that afternoon. 那天下午他把做讲座的差事推卸掉了。
- Peis campaign a big boost by putting him on the air in prime time, delivering a lecture about the Olympics. 那一年,北京电视台在黄金时段播出了裴东光有关奥林匹克的演讲,大大推动了奥运教育活动。