- They won many awards and medals. 他们赢得了很多奖赏和徽章.
- Instead we hung up decorations and partied alone in Andy's room. 我们便在安迪的房间里挂上圣诞饰物独自开起了派对。
- decorations and medals 勋章和奖章
- Yule decorations and the tapestries had been desecrated, burned. 庆典用的饰物与织锦被损毁。
- Complete TASK,get extra credit points and medal rewards. 完成论坛任务,获得额外加分和勋章奖励。
- Others lure younger guests with garish decor and discounts. 另外一些则以花哨的装饰品和低廉的折扣吸引年轻人。
- We put up the decorations and the tree and started to feel Christmassy at last. 我们布置好了装饰品和圣诞树,这才开始感受到圣诞节的气氛。
- How Are You Going to Decorate and Furnish the Kitchen? 你将怎样装饰你的厨房?
- The beauty of its decorations and furnishings has been growing ever since. 美轮美奂的装饰是从哪里开始的。
- Cups will be awarded to the top three teams and medals to their players and coaches. 对前三名的优胜队授予奖杯,对这些队的队员和教练员授予奖章。
- Decorations and wrapped slurry are ok.High gold content,good craftwork. 纹饰,包浆都没有问题。错金的金的含量好。透雕工艺好。
- These patterns serve both decorative and anti-skid functions. 这些花纹一方面有装饰的作用,一方面有防滑的作用。
- On the other side is dirty dealings of power and pocket of the cups and medals ma-nia. 一面是锦标主义的权钱肮脏交易。
- These huge vats are both decorations and reservoirs in case of fire. 它们即起到装饰的作用,又是用来装水的以防火灾。
- She reach up and picked a pear off a branch. 她抬起手从一根枝上摘下一颗梨。
- At the start of the game you load code to gain back your profile with experience, rank and medals gained so far. 游戏开始的时候你载入密码来获得你到目前为止的个人资料包括经验,军衔,勋章。
- His stall was decorated and was always kept clean and beautiful. 它的马厩受到装饰,总是保持整洁美丽。
- US) and medals while others received the honor posthumously.Christ told us we should love others as ourselves. 基督要我们爱人如己,但在中国基督徒当中,真正做到默默付出而不为人知的并不多。
- Widely used in clothing, footwear, toys, decorations and other industries. 广泛用于服装、鞋帽、玩具、装饰等行业。
- Question: When i start a new game, my experience, rank and medals don't carry over. Did i do something wrong ? 问题:当新一局游戏开始的时候,我的经验勋章军衔又重新开始计算了,这是怎么搞的?