- He persuaded me that death does not end all. 他说服我相信死并不能使一切结束.
- The Speaker sits at one end all in full fig, with a clerk at the table below. 议长穿着礼服坐在一头,下方桌子旁还有一个秘书。
- You just committed the blunder to end all blunders. 你正好犯了一个超过所有大错的最大错误。
- The sports meet ended all too briefly. 运动会过于简单地结束了。
- When the war ended all defences stopped, too. 战争结束时防御工事也停止了。
- The movie has a car chase to end all car chases. 这部影片的汽车追逐场面非常刺激。
- In the end all slaves were set free. 所有的奴隶终于全部。
- Atom Bomb: An invention to end all inventions. (原子弹:用来毁掉所有发明的发明。)
- She can end all of her time studying economic. 她可以花费她全部的时间来学习经济学。
- In every war there is a battle to end all battles. 在每一次战争中,都有一场决定性的战役。
- All grudges and resentments will have attachment between oneself and the parties that one resents. 所有的不满和吝啬都有你自己和你所怨恨的部份之间的连线。
- This iron axe would end all the invaders lives! 这把铁斧将结束任何侵略者的性命。
- Nelly’s story begins with his introduction into the Earnshaw family, his vengeful machinations drive the entire plot, and his death ends the book. 他暴跳如雷,把怨气和憎恨一齐发泄在汤姆身上,因为他明白,汤姆知道整件事情。
- The room Jacques and I occupied, though large, was dwarfed by an immense feather bed. It was a bed to end all beds, almost as big as a tennis court and as thick as a bale of hay. 我和雅克住的房间虽大,但是一张巨大的、铺羽毛褥垫的床却使它显得窄小起来。那床巨大无比,简直和网球场一样大,像用一捆捆干草垫起来似地那般厚实。
- Paper qualifications, though useful, is not a be all and end all. 文凭虽然有用,缺不是至高无上、一纸定终身。
- The holidays ended all too soon. 假期结束得太早了。
- A welcome rain fell, ending all signs of drought. 普降喜雨,旱象解除。
- The Speaker sits at one end all in full fig,with a clerk at the table below. 议长穿着礼服坐在一头,下方桌子旁还有一个秘书。
- In the end all these products are consumed by those middle-aged elite. 市场经理说我的作品很有艺术性...哈...我爸爸是一个真正的艺术家。
- Own a power to control member talk go and give advice to end all arguements. 有能力去阻止及给予良好意见去停止会员间的争拗。