- Datura metel Linn. 白花曼陀罗
- Flos Datura is dried flower of an annual herb Datura metel L. which belongs to the family of Solananeae. 洋金花为茄科植物白曼陀罗Datura metel L.;的干燥花;又名曼陀罗花、风茄花、山茄子和白花曼陀罗等;全国大部分地区均有分布。
- Datura metel L. 白曼陀罗
- Flos Daturaes, dry flowers of Datura metel L., had the efficacies of relieving cough, easing pain and releasing from hyperkinesias etc. 的干燥花,具有平喘止咳、镇痛、解痉等功效,其有效成分为东莨菪碱及少量的莨菪碱。
- Keywords Datura metel L. lotion Co. Scopolamine hydrobrotmde;PLC scanning; 关键词复方洋金花擦剂;氢溴酸东莨菪碱;薄层扫描法;
- Determination of Scopolamine Hydrobromide in Datura Metel L. Lotion Compound By TLC Scanning 薄层扫描法测定复方洋金花擦剂中氢溴酸东莨菪碱的含量
- 7.Flos Datura is dried flower of an annual herb Datura metel L. which belongs to the family of Solananeae. 马铃薯起源于秘鲁和玻利维亚的安第斯山区,属茄科茄属,是一年生喜冷凉草本块茎植物。
- Datura metel 白曼陀罗
- extraction of Datura metel 洋金花提取物
- Progress of studies on Tamarix Linn. 柽柳属植物研究进展。
- The Study Progress on Plant of Reaumuria Linn. 红砂属植物研究进展。
- Two new cultivated varieties of Syringa Linn. 丁香属植物二新栽培变种。
- Taxonomic notes on the genus Illicium Linn. 八角属植物的分类学订正。
- Taxonomy of the Genus Illicium Linn. 八角属植物分类。
- Cutting propagation test of Camellia japonica Linn. 山茶扦插育苗试验。
- Study on Tissue Culture of Prunus Armeniaca Linn. 大扁杏组织培养的研究
- Study on the Morphology of Acer Linn. 槭树科槭属植物形态学研究
- In Linn (Ed): Educational Measurement, 3rd Edition. 在草(海关):教育测量,第3版。
- A. Franco et Vase, 3 as L. obscurum Linn. Franco etVase;玉柏石松Lycopodium obscurum Linn.
- Intercropping of Trifolium repens Linn. 白三叶草间作