- Hello, is this the reser vation office? 喂,这是不是预订办公室?
- In one corner a few officers were drinking up one of their vation bottles of whisky. 帐篷一角有几个军官在喝酒,一瓶配给的威士忌已经喝得差不多了。
- With the concepts of CUSTOMER FIRST &UNCEASING INNO VATION,the trending-lending “Coco” series is ready to come to you. 产品新颖、时尚。优质的产品质量和良好的信誉赢得广大客户的一致好评。
- In constructing infrastructural projects, investigating on academic issues is an important avenue in streng thening the preser vation of cultural heritages. 在基本建设工程中,围绕学术课题进行文物考古科学研究是加强文物保护的重要途径。
- Conclusions:Low pressure continentileal rese rvoir is an ideal operation for bladder substitution in the patients with preser vation of urethra after total cystectomy. 结论:对可保留尿道的膀胱癌患者是一种较理想的膀胱替代手术。
- Based on the current situation of traditional Luzhou-flavor liquor technology, the detail and practical effects of technological inno vation are emphasized. 摘要在对传统的浓香型大曲酒生产工艺现状分析的基础上,重点介绍了工艺创新的具体内容和应用效果。
- Comparisons between forecast results and obser vation data show that the forecast accuracy of SO2 and NO2 in the 14 main cities of Liaoning are higher than th at of PM10. 通过模式预报结果与监测资料的对比,发现 辽宁14个主要城市SO2、NO2预报准确率的总体水平明显高于PM10。
- Through the obser vation of not only SubstanceP(SP),Intestinal Peptide(VIP) and Somatostatin(SS) inintestine,but also pathology morphological change can we observe thefunction of EBG. 结果:儿食健宝颗粒可以改善厌食症大鼠SP、VIP、SS水平变化及胃肠粘膜病理形态。
- 469 You can change your flight reser - vation. 你可以更改你预订的机票。
- RSVP( Resource ReSer Vation Protocol) 资源预留协议
- Real-time and Energy Conser- vation 实时节能
- Keywords haulage drifts;convergence obser vation;threshold and autoregression.; 关键词运输巷道;收敛观测;门限自回归;
- Keywords water pollueton contrpl;vation madel;point pollution source;influeuce coefficient; 水污染控制;定量模型;点污染源;影响系数;
- Treatment of Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction by Shugan Qiwei Tang Associated with Family Sexual Training: A Clinical Obser vation of 147 Cases 疏肝起萎汤配合夫妻性感集中训练疗法治疗心因性勃起功能障碍147例疗效观察
- inno- vation 创新
- cryopreser- vation 冷冻保存
- ele- vation 标高
- Culti Vation 养殖
- Preser vation of red ceils 红细胞
- élévation 空中动作,空中动作技巧