- 计算机可增强从太空发回的照片的质量。 [参见 computer-enhanced] The computer can enhance the quality of photographs transmitted from space.
- 0个读者 [IMG] 原作者: A&A Computer Services, Inc.. Follow the instructions to establish a connection between your desktop/laptop computer and your Pocket PC:
- RISC即精简指令集计算机(Reduced Instruction Set Computer)的缩写。 The project focuses on a RISC-CPU and develops an IC design flow. RISC is the acronym of Reduced Instruction Set Computer.
- computer terminal计算机终端 电脑终端
- computer interface计算机接口 电脑接口
- EDM-Computer软件的建立及应用 Design and Application of EDM-Computer Software
- 狭义的CAM(Computer aided manufacture,计算机辅助制造)指的就是计算机辅助编程。 Narrow sense CAM(Computer aided manufacture) refers to the computer assistance programming.
- 当DISKCOPY命令结束时,命令解释程序将试图读BAT文件。 Computer is a programmer. Bad command or file name.Bad command or filename.When the DISKCOPY command is finished, the command interpreter will attempt to read the BAT file.
- 此表列出了与My.Computer.Keyboard对象关联的任务,并指向演示如何执行各项任务的主题。 This table lists tasks associated with the My.Computer.Keyboard object and points to topics demonstrating how to perform each task.
- 此属性提供对My.Computer.Mouse对象的便捷访问。 This property provides easy access to the My.Computer.Mouse object.
- 说来有一点复杂 ... 我是Computer的RachelEdwards。 It's a little complicated ... this is Rachel Edward of computer ...
- 选择“Body Computer”,然后选择“Module Display”屏幕 Select “Body Computer”, then select “Module Display” screen.
- 通常指单用户微型计算机。Personal Computer的缩写。 Meaning, in general, any single-user microcomputer.
- 借助于My.Computer.FileSystem,可用一行代码执行下列操作 With My.Computer.FileSystem, you can perform the following actions in one line of code
- 实际上,只有第二个,即%COMPUTER_NAME%才是真正的环境变量。 Actually, only the second one, %25COMPUTER_NAME%25, is really an environment variable.
- DataTable,dt用My.Computer对象的属性值填充,然后再绑定到网格。 A DataTable, is populated with values from properties of the My.Computer object, and then bound to a grid.
- 此示例使用My.Computer.Name属性来显示代码在其上运行的计算机的名称。 This example uses the My.Computer.Name property to display the name of the computer on which the code runs.
- 通过My.Computer.FileSystem对象的ReadAllText方法,可以读取文本文件。 The ReadAllText method of the My.Computer.FileSystem object allows you to read from a text file.
- 计算机辅助教学(Computer Assisted Instruction,CAI)产生于1958年。 Computer Assisted Instruction, CAI appeared in 1958. With the Development of computer technology, educational theory and educational system, CAI has been applied to every science, from either inside or outside schools, covering all fields and nations.