- Complicated silver mine 复杂银矿
- Do you want to investment silver mine? 银矿投资报?
- Total silver mine production reached 670.6 Moz last year. 07年白银矿产纵联达到6.;706亿盎司(20585吨)。
- Soon he succumbed to silver mining fever. 没过多久他就被开采银矿的狂热所感染。
- He amassed a fortune from silver mining. 他靠开采银矿积累了一笔财富。
- The silver mine is no longer workable, eg because it is flooded or because the ore is exhausted. 这个银矿不值得开采了(如因积水或矿石储量将尽).
- However, Silver Mine Bay continued to experience occasional problems on a smaller scale for some years. 然而在往后多年,银矿湾偶尔仍有较轻微的污染问题,但一般水质良好而稳定。
- Perhaps the biggest challenge of all the beaches in the Outlying Islands District was Silver Mine Bay Beach. 在芸芸离岛区泳滩中,银矿湾是我们的最大挑战。
- The silver mine is no longer workable,eg because it is flooded or because the ore is exhausted. 这个银矿不值得开采了(如因积水或矿石储量将尽).
- While in that service he had discovered a silver mine in the mountains of Thessaly, but he had been careful to conceal it from every one. 而且,不论是否在家,不论在巴黎或开罗,神甫总留下一些东西施舍给来访的人,那个仆人就用他主人的名义从门洞里把东西分散给人。
- Ever since I discovered, from the years 1542-1545, as the New World, one of the most important Silver Mine, Potosi has experienced rapid growth. 自从被发现后,从1542到1545 年间,作为新大陆最重要的银矿之一,波托西经历了快速成长。
- His disease was complicated by pneumonia. 他的病因肺炎并发症而变得更严重。
- Kutna Hora developed as a result of the exploitation of the silver mines. 库特纳霍拉的发展是银矿开采的结果。
- Tombstone became a historic landmark as an example of a silver mining town, and it has important physical remains built after the 1881 gunfight. 墓碑镇是以一座当年盛产白银的典型小镇而成为一处历史地标的,而这个镇子还有一些重要的有形历史遗迹是1881年那场枪战后建成的。
- The old wove what he said into a complicated story. 那位老人把他说的编成了一个复杂的故事。
- The richest gold silver mine in Nevada was sold by the owner for 42 dollars, to get money to pay his passage to other mines, where he thought he could get rich. 内华达州最富的金矿和银矿被卖主以42美元的价格卖了出去,那位卖主为了用这些钱凑够路费去另一个他认为可以发财致富的地方。
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。
- The stability of ore and rock in Lianjiang Silver Mine is very poor so that an overhand slice and drift mining with cemented tailings filling was used for mining. 廉江银矿的矿岩稳固性很差,采用上向进路尾砂胶结充填采矿法。
- Don't ask me such complicated questions. 这么难答的问题别问我。
- It is a very complicated problem. 这是一个很复杂的问题。