- The fur collar mats when it gets wet. 皮领子湿了时毛就结在一起。
- Do you know who has collared my matches? 你知道谁拿了我的火柴?
- The policeman collared the thief. 警察把小偷捉住了。
- There's a dark side to Jay's character. 杰伊的性格中有阴险的一面。
- He collared the thief after a chase. 他追上那个贼,扭住了他的领口。
- Collared Jay n. 白领蓝头鹊
- Surely you can reset the collar. 这个领子你可以重装一下,这没问题吧。
- Where are the dog's collar and lead? 狗的颈圈和皮带哪去了?
- The collar of his ragged coat was turned up. 他那破烂上衣的领子向上翻着。
- The smoking gun was the lipstick on his collar. 他衣领上的口红是确凿的证据。
- I'm afraid I've singed the collar of your shirt. 恐怕我把你的衬衫领子烧焦了。
- The collar is underlined with black. 衣领用黑布衬里。
- He grabbed my collar and pulled me towards him. 他抓住我的领子把我拉倒他面前。
- What size of collar is this shirt? 这衬衣领子的尺寸是多少?
- The policemen collared some drugpushers. 警察逮住了几个毒品贩。
- I thought I had the dog fast but he has slipped the collar. 我原以为已经把狗拴牢了,没想到它逃脱了。
- I know Jay's past; so I have got him cold. 我清楚杰伊的老底;所以他得完全听我的。
- He wore his collar and orders, and his blue ribbon as well. 他身上挂满了领章、各种宝星勋章,还挂着他的蓝绶带。
- The band around the collar of a garment. 领圈一件服装的围绕衣领的圈
- Blue jay is a type of noisy European bird with brightly colored feathers. 樫鸟是一种爱叫的欧洲鸟,有鲜艳的羽毛。