- Almost thirty-four-million people live in the West Coast states. 差不多有三千四百万人居住在西海岸诸州。
- Consult with coastal state about ship-to-ship transfer operation beforehand. 与前来驳运的船协商其过驳安全程序和靠船位置。
- The principle of natural prolongation is one of the entitlements of the coastal states to continental shelf. 自然延伸原则是沿海国对大陆架的权利基础之一。
- The treaty awards coastal states absolute control over the fish in their economic and the right to sell fishing interests to other nations as they. 条约赋予沿海国以对其经济区内渔业资源的绝对控制权,以及将其渔业利益转让给其所选择的国家的权利。
- Mr.Putin has endorsed a young loyalist and admirer who owes his career asfirst deputy prime minister and head of the state gas monopoly to hismentor. 普京先生已通过一位年轻要角和崇拜者,谁欠他的职业生涯,作为第一副总理兼国家元首,天然气垄断企业,以他的导师。
- Here in the coastal state of Orissa in Eastern India , climate change is already a reality. 这里是东印度沿岸的奥利沙邦,气候变迁已经是事实。
- The use of a VTS may only be made mandatory in sea areas within the territorial seas of a coastal State. 这些特别规定之目的,是著眼于当有两个主要舱区因船舶毁损而泛水时确定船舶不致翻覆而能存活下来。
- In Kiev, Ukraine's state gas company has also confirmed that the amount of gas it receives from Russia has been shortly sharply reduced. 同时,在乌克兰首都基辅,乌克兰国家天然气公司已确认其从俄罗斯获得的天然气输送已迅速减少。
- Medvedev to work for him in Moscow.Mr.Medvedev rose to chief of staff and was also made chairman of the state gas monopoly, Gazprom. 梅德韦杰夫升任总统办公厅主任,并且被任命为国有天然气垄断企业--俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司的主席。
- The treaty awards coastal states absolute control over the fish in their economic zones and the right to sell fishing interests to other nations as they choose. 试分析sell的词义,并注意措词的专业性:条约赋予沿海国以对其经济区内渔业资源的绝对控制权,以及将其渔业利益转让给其所选择的国家的权利。
- A very pungent pepper (Capsicum frutescens) grown principally in the Gulf Coast states for commercial production of hot sauces. 塔巴斯科辣椒:一种主要种植在墨西哥海湾沿岸诸州,用于辣调味品的商业生产的非常辣的辣椒(辣椒属小米辣)
- The ministry confirmed to Reuters it had provided the video, filmed by the Air Force on March 5 over the eastern coastal state of Campeche. 雷达最先发现了不明飞行物,在机组人员打开远红外线摄像机跟踪那些飞行物后,一位飞行员忍不住喊到:“我们并不孤单!这真是不可思议。”
- Semiconducting metal oxides such as tin oxide (SnO2), titanium dioxide (TiO2) and zinc oxide (ZnO) are routinely used as active materials in solid state gas sensing devices. 半导体型的金属氧化物,如氧化锡(SnO2)、氧化钛(TiO2)和氧化锌(ZnO),经常作为活性材料用在固态气体传感器件中。
- The rights of the coastal state over the continental shelf do not affect the legal of the superjacent waters or of the air space above those waters. (沿海国对大陆架的权利不影响上覆水域或水域上空的法律地位。)
- B.O. scored well among educated voters to win the primary in the more liberal West Coast state of O.. 在受教育的选民中较受欢迎,在更自由的西部海岸O.;州赢得了初选。
- APHIS officials are now debating the best way to pull together a comprehensive survey on Gulf Coast states that are seen as the most susceptible now to Asian rust. 墨西哥湾沿岸各州目前最有可能染上亚洲锈菌,APHIS官员正针对这一地区探讨开展综合调查的最佳途径。
- Hall wood and abansodor in Africa coastal state ever came to China for four times, Bangladeshies for 11 times, the kings of Sumatera and Ceylon are sent to China. 除了越南、暹罗等属国外,霍尔木兹和非洲沿海国家的使节曾4次来华,孟加拉人有11次来华朝贡,苏门答腊和锡兰的国王则被押解到中国。
- Ripples from that disturbance reached American shores in 1969, when the Honda 600 minicar went on sale in Hawaii, followed by the three West Coast states a year later. 余波的干扰达到美国海岸于1969年,当本田600微型销售出去的夏威夷,其次是三西海岸国家一年以后。
- Accompany global region economy to develop by Liu Yu to maritime space gradational advance, the world each upsurge that coastal state greeted marine economy to develop. 伴随全球性区域经济发展由陆域向海域的渐次推进,世界各沿海国家迎来了海洋经济发展的热潮。"
- With floodwaters stretching clear across the Gulf coast state of Tabasco and food and drinking water scarce, health officials warned against cholera and other waterborne diseases. 洪水完全泛滥横跨塔巴斯哥海湾国家引起食品和引用水缺乏,健康官员警告警惕霍乱和其它因水传播的疾病。