- As a result of Chinese quarter these a few words, including very deep sense, it is Chinese people overseas symbolizes rootedly. 由于唐人街这几个字眼,包含着十分深刻的意义,它是炎黄子孙在海外生根的象征。几百年前,我们泰国华侨的祖先离乡背井,飘洋过海来到泰国谋生,并在泰国定居下来,经过几代人的艰苦创业,毕路蓝镂。
- Chinese people regard lotus as an emblem of purity. 中国人把莲花看作是纯洁的象征。
- Chinese people overseas 海外中国公民
- No, she's now the executive of a trading company run by some Chinese people. 不,她现在在一家由一些中国人经营的公司当总裁。
- Chinese people are working hard to make the country richer and more beautiful. 中国人民正在努力工作,把国家建设得更加富饶美丽。
- He offered a toast to the Chinese people. 他建议为中国人民干杯。
- The majority of Chinese people have bicycles. 中国大多数人都有自行车。
- Celebrating Spring Festival is an agelong tradition for Chinese people. 过年是中国人持续很久了的传统。
- We Chinese people are brave and hardworking. 我们中国人民勤劳而勇敢。
- Its principled position fully conforms to the fundamental interests of the entire Chinese people including Taiwan compatriots and overseas Chinese. 这一原则立场完全符合包括台湾同胞和海外侨胞在内的全中国人民的根本利益。
- Today that agency, Helen Keller International, is one of the biggest organizations working with blind people overseas. 如今这所机构,“国际海伦·凯勒”,是海外向盲人提供帮助的最大组织之一。
- Yellow is a noble color to the Chinese people. 对于中国人来说黄色是一种高贵的颜色。
- Third,we believe that the Chinese people are apt. 第三条,我们相信中国人不笨。
- This is a common aim of Chinese people everywhere. 这是全球华人的共同愿望。
- He proved a reliable friend of the Chinese people. 事实证明,他是中国人民的可靠朋友。
- We Chinese people are not to be cowed or deceived. 我们中国人是吓不倒也骗不了的。
- We must serve the Chinese people heart and soul. 我们必须全心全意地为中国人民服务。
- The Chinese people have backbone. 中国人民有骨气。
- What the Chinese people desire most is peace. 中国老百姓最希望和平。
- Chinese people celebrate the lunar New Year. 中国人庆祝农历新年。