- Chinese Navy Equipment 中国海军装备
- Chinese navy vessel sails for ROK, Japan. 中国海军“郑和”号启程访问韩国日本。
- Lanzhou Chinese navy ships (170 ships), named "China Aegis" destroyers. 中国海军兰州舰(170舰),外界称之为“中华神盾”舰。
- Chinese Navy ships moored at Sanya in southern China's Hainan province. 中国海军舰艇停泊在中国东南部海南省的三亚。
- The refitting engineering has made much progress on technology and set the new phase of building the navy equipment about engineering management, quality, the period and so on. 该项工程取得了诸多技术进步,并且在工程管理、质量、周期等方面都开创了海军装备建设的新局面,受到了海军机关的高度评价。
- In 1993, senior leaders of the Chinese Navy announced that China would start developing an aircraft carrier. 1993年,中国海军高层领导人宣布,中国将开始发展航空母舰。
- Empress Dowager Ci Xi rebuilt it in 1888 with a large sum of money which had been appropriated to build a Chinese navy. 1888年,慈禧太后斥巨资重建它,那些钱财本来是要用作海军经费的。
- It’s the Chinese navy’s first operation beyond the Pacific.From Beijing, Chris Hogg reports. 此次任务是中国海军首次远离太平洋的行动.;请听克里斯 胡格来自北京的报道。
- There are reports the Chinese Navy has access to Bangladesh's Chittagong port, the sources said. 有报道称,中国海军已进入孟加拉国的吉大港。
- An un-named European country was said to have provided China with the design and specifications of the carrier it would build for the Chinese navy. 一名匿名欧洲国家据说已经向中国提供的设计和规格承运人将为中国海军建造。
- The Chinese navy has averred its growth does not pose any threat to others and is only meant to fulfil the rising need to maintain national security. 中国海军称其发展并不对其它国家构成威胁,发展海军是为了满足日益增长的维护国家安全的需要。
- Senior Colonel Li Jie, a researcher at the Chinese Navy's Military Academy, said a lack of naval exchanges had led to misunderstandings in the past. 中国海军军事研究所研究员,大校李杰(音译)表示,过去因为各国海军之间缺少交流而导致了一些对中国的误解。
- Though modern Chinese navy, which was founded during the period of Westernization movement, learnt from occidental navy basically, the navy of P. 摘要近代中国海军起步于自强运动,以学欧美为主。
- You could call this the coming-out party of the Chinese navy, said Bates Gill, director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. 你可以称之为中国海军的成年派对,斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所所长季北慈表示。
- The helicopter carriers would act as a stopgap for aircraft carriers that the Chinese navy wanted to build, despite lacking the capability to do so. 直升机航母将作为权宜为中国海军的航空母舰要盖,尽管缺乏能力这样做。
- British Army Royal Navy Equipment Exhibition 英国陆军皇家海军装备展示会
- Two US guided-missile ships dockedMonday in the port of Zhanjiang, home of the South China Sea Fleet of the Chinese Navy, kicking off their five-day goodwill visit to China. 美国导弹巡洋舰于周一驶入我国南海湛江港口,开始了对我国海军总部为期天的友好访问。
- Two US guided-missile ships docked Monday in the port of Zhanjiang, home of the South China Sea Fleet of the Chinese Navy, kicking off their five-day goodwill visit to China. 美国导弹巡洋舰于周一驶入我国南海湛江港口,开始了对我国海军总部为期5天的友好访问。
- The future construction of the new Chinese navy ships will further improve the ship's stealth capabilities, from partial to full stealth stealth progressive development. 未来,中国海军新建造的舰艇将会进一步完善舰艇的隐身功能,由局部隐身逐渐发展到完全隐身。
- Kanwa news March 20, 2004> The delivery of 12 Su30MK2 to Chinese navy has been under way since February, a military source based in Moscow confirmed to Kanwa. 不知道有人发过没有,贴到这里看看。选着翻一点,大家有兴趣自己看原文,不知道为什么,汉和英文有的东西,很多中文没有。