- Change the default search path 更改默认的搜索路径
- To search the Web, including your research sites and other services such as MSN Money Stock Quotes and eLibrary, change the default search scope in the Search for list. 若要搜索网站,包括信息检索网站和其他服务,如MSN Money Stock Quotes和eLibrary,请在“搜索”列表中更改默认的搜索范围。
- How to Change the Default Email Address. 如何改变系统预设的电子邮件信箱。
- Change the default settings for tracking projects. 更改跟踪项目的默认设置。
- You can also change the default selections. 您可以修改这项默认选择。
- This does not change the default device for other audio programs. 此操作不会更改其他音频程序的默认设备。
- Space allows you to change the default value of a space in a font. space可以用来改变字体中默认间距的值。
- You change the weight by altering the default settings. 可通过更改默认设置来更改权重。
- What if you want to change the default endpoint address? 您想把默认端点地址变成什么呢?
- The default search scope looks in all reference books installed on your computer. 默认搜索范围为计算机中安装的所有参考资料。
- You may change the default value for timing out a data connection. 你可以设定默认的数据连接超时时间。
- How can I change the default theme when I can't reach site admin? 在无法访问站点管理的情况下如何改变默认的外观主题?
- If a value for RecipientContainer is not specified, the default search filter is the location of the dynamic distribution group in Active Directory. 如果未指定RecipientContainer的值,则默认搜索筛选器是动态通讯组在Active Directory中的位置。
- Add option Admin to change the default speed rotate panorama. 添加选项管理以修改旋转全景图的默认旋转速度。
- Moves the selected search path down in the list. 在列表中将选定的搜索路径下移。
- Use the check boxes below to limit or expand the default search, which includes local paths and removable media. The best driver found will be installed. 使用下列的复选框限制或扩展默认搜寻,开搜寻包括本机路径和可移动媒体。会安装找到的最佳驱动程序。
- In these customized software, Yahoo will own search engine set to the default search, addition, the customized version of the browser also comes loaded with the browser toolbar. 在这些定制软件中,雅虎将自己的搜索引擎设置为默认搜索,另外,定制版浏览器也预装了浏览器工具条。
- Shows how you can change the default settings for syntax highlighting. 演示如何更改语法突出显示的缺省设置。
- Constructor if you do not want to change the default line indentation. 如果不希望更改默认行缩进,请使用。
- You will want to change the default port if there is a port conflict. 如果出现端口冲突可能需要改变默认端口。