- Central Asia in World History 世界史中的中亚
- He has a degree in world history. 他具有世界历史的学位。
- He is conversant in world history . 他通晓世界史。
- I am not too hot in World History. 我的世界历史学得不是特别好。
- He is conversant in world history. 他通晓世界史。
- The October Revolution opened up a new epoch in world history. 十月革命打开了世界历史的新纪元。
- The Russian Revolution represents a landmark in world history. 俄国革命是世界历史上的一个里程碑。
- The situation in Central Asia in 2005 was both eventful and turbulent. 2005年中亚局势动荡多事。
- It is something new, without precedent in world history. 世界历史上还没有这样一个法,这是一个新的事物。
- Bhutan:an isolated country of central asia in the eastern Himalaya Mountains. 不丹:中亚一自治国家,位于喜马拉雅山脉东侧。
- It is something new,without precedent in world history. 世界历史上还没有这样一个先例,这是一个新的事物。
- Never, in world history, has there been such a conflict. 在世界史上,从未有过这样的冲突。
- Only in world history can socialist revolution exist. 社会主义革命只有在世界历史的意义上才能存在。
- A country of central Asia in the Himalaya Mountains between India and southeast China. 尼泊尔:位于喜马拉雅山脉中的中亚国家,在印度和中国东南部之间。
- The world is more unequal than at anytime in world history. 当今世界,发展不平衡情况比历史上任何时期都要严重。
- To make matters worse, the rise of the GLA in Central Asia in the 2010’s, further destabilized the rickety Russian Federation. 更糟的是,2010年代全球解放军势力在中亚的扩张,使本来就摇摆的俄罗斯联邦更进一步不稳定了。
- They have developed first in world history Kazak-language shooter. 他们研制出第一,在世界历史上哈萨克族语言的枪手。
- China's leadership is know to have been alarmed at the role that civic society movements played in the "colour revolutions" that swept central Asia in recent years. 众所周知,北京领导人十分警惕的,就是近年来在席卷中亚地区的颜色革命中有着重要地位的市民社会运动。
- The paper maintains that the large-scale revolts in Central Asia in 1916 were caused by the czarist national opperssion,military rule and economic exploitation. 本文认为中亚1916年大起义是沙俄民族压迫、军事统治和经济掠夺的结果。
- Yet today we finally have the chance to speed through the wild plains of Central Asia in jeeps, and to fulfil our mission to take photographs along the Silk Road. 今天我们终于有机会、有实力,带着器材、驾着吉普车自由驰骋在欧亚广袤的草原上,这是历史给予我们的机会。