- Bowel Dysfunction in Children with Spina Bifida. 先天性脊柱裂排便功能障碍病因分析及治疗体会
- The species Castanopsis hupehensis C. 湖北锥 Castanopsis hupehensis C.
- Who is at Risk for having a Baby with Spina Bifida? 什么样的人是生育脊椎裂患儿的高风险人群?
- Castanopsis fissa Rehd. et Wils. 黧蒴锥
- How Can Spina Bifida Be Prevented? 脊椎裂如何被预防.
- Furniture made of castanopsis sclerophylla is durable. 用苦槠木做的家具挺耐用。
- Neither spina nasalis anterior nor fossa caninaare are developed. 不发达的鼻棘与犬齿窝;
- Spinal fusion does not improve QOL in spina bifida (Grade C recommendation). 脊柱融合不改善脊柱裂侧弯的生活治疗(C度推荐)。
- Does Fine-root Litter of Castanopsis carlesii and Cunninghamia lanceolata Decompose Fastest in Its Own Community? 米槠与杉木细根凋落物是否在自身群落中分解得更快?
- Description of the Form of the Symbiont Formed by the Roots of Castanopsis hystrix and Russula spp. 红菇与红锥形成的根共生体形态的描述。
- Aim:To study the operative method of neurogenic fecal incontinence in children with meningomyelocele and oc-culta spina bifida. 目的:探讨小儿腰骶部脊髓脊膜彭出术后及隐性脊柱裂所致的神经源性大便失禁的手术治疗方法。
- Species Diversity of Castanopsis eyrei Community at the Tiantai Mountain of Zhejiang Province. 浙江天台山甜槠群落物种多样性。
- When Jean was born with spina bifida, doctors told her parents she would never walk. 珍妮天生就有脊柱裂,医生告诉她父母她不能步行!
- A large evergreen tree(Castanopsis chrysophylla) of the Pacific Coast of North America. 锥栗北美洲沿太平洋海岸所产的一种常绿大树(锥栗属金叶树)
- Abstract: Aim:To study the operative method of neurogenic fecal incontinence in children with meningomyelocele and oc-culta spina bifida. 文摘:目的:探讨小儿腰骶部脊髓脊膜彭出术后及隐性脊柱裂所致的神经源性大便失禁的手术治疗方法。
- There are 3 genera including 33 species of Fagaceae in Tibet,Castanopsis with 7,Lithocarpus 11,Quercus 15(subg. 自然分布的西藏壳斗科植物,共3属33种,集中分布于藏东南的河谷地带和喜马拉雅山脉的聂拉木县。
- Folic acid supplements are now recommended for pregnant women to prevent neural tube defects (spina bifida) in their children. 现在已建议孕妇补充叶酸以预防儿童出现神经管缺陷症(脊柱裂)。
- Aboveground net pri- mary productivity for a Castanopsis fargesii stand is 13.7 t/ha. a,of which 4.0t/ha. 栲树林地上部分净第一性生产力约等于13.;7t/ha·a;
- Objective To investigate the main features and experiences of surgical treatment of congenital spina bifida. 目的探讨先天性脊柱裂的手术特点及治疗经验。
- Title: Soil properties and water holding capacities of Michelia macclurei,Schima superba and Castanopsis fissa stands. 关键词:阔叶纯林;水源涵养;土壤物理性质;养分;微生物;酶活性