- WANG CF, SHAO YF.Hepartectomy in treatment of large carvenous hemangioma of liver[J].Zhongguo Zhongliu Linchuan Yu Jiankang Zazhi. 1995,2:8-9. [2]王成峰;邵永孚.;手术切除治疗巨大肝海绵状血管瘤[J]
- Results: Of 55 cases, there were 36 gliomas, 8 carvenous hemangioma, 3 meningiomas, 2 AVM's, 1 local seizure and 5 others. 结果:在本单位完成的55例导航手术中,胶质瘤占36例,海绵状血管瘤8例,脑膜瘤3例,脑脓肿2例,动静脉畸形2例,局灶性癫痫1例,脑内血肿1例,脑动脉瘤1例,脑转移癌1例。
- Carvenous hemangioma 海绵状血管瘤
- Microvenular hemangioma is a benign lesion. 微静脉型血管瘤是良性病变。
- In his hand he held a carven staff of oak. 他手中持着一根橡木雕出的权杖。
- Can be benign hemangioma changed into malign? 良性的血管瘤会不会转化成恶性的?
- Can hemangioma cause person death? 血管瘤会不会导致人死亡?
- Is hemangioma treated very hard? 血管瘤是不是很难治?
- Does hypodermic hemangioma belong to major disease? 皮下血管瘤是不是属重大疾病?
- Is the meeting after hemangioma operation genetic? 血管瘤手术后会遗传吗?
- How ability hemangioma take out? 怎样才能把血管瘤去掉?
- Hemangioma jumps over congress to have risk as age. 血管瘤随着年纪越大会有危险嘛.
- How should long hemangioma do on kidney? 肾上长血管瘤该怎么办?
- Can benign hemangioma grow as age and worsen? 良性血管瘤会随着年纪增长而恶化嘛?
- Hemangioma is what disease, is firm serious? 血管瘤是什么病,狠严重么?
- How much do you understand to hemangioma? 你对血管瘤了解多少?
- Can hemangioma become an operation? 血管瘤能做手术的么?
- Kidney artery hemangioma how cure? 肾动脉血管瘤怎么医治?
- From now on, this girl made Picasso brushwork and carven model. 从此,这位少女便成为了毕加索绘画和雕刻的模特。
- What is hemangioma? Grow to matter on liver? 什么是血管瘤?长在肝上要紧吗?