- A trend in common,like an orbit in a co ordinate,characterizes the productive forces development in the world. 生产力有个基本特点 ,那就是全世界有共同的发展轨道 ,类似于坐标上的轨迹。
- Another meaning of the law of value refers to its co ordination of proportional development among various productive sectors rather than its determination of commodity value. 价值规律的“另一种意义”是指它调节各部门生产按比例发展的趋向。 而不是讲决定商品价值的问题
- Replace X and Y with your X and Y Co ordinates from the Game. 取代X和Y与您的X和Y坐标的合作从游戏。
- This pape r based on basic mechanical equation,transform material constants from local co ordinate to global coordinate system. 根据基本力学方程,对不同缠绕方向的纤维层材料,把不同材料坐标系下的特性参数等效变换到统一坐标系。
- Government must take the responsibility about its healthy and ordinal development because of its venture. 由于虚拟经济的运行具有很大的风险性,因此政府对其健康、有序发展具有不可推卸的责任。
- Radiography of vein renal pelvis is vein of infuse of will organic iodic solution inside, make through blood kidney essence reachs cystic and renal pelvis, ureter, ordinal develop circularly. 静脉肾盂造影是将有机碘溶液注入静脉内,通过血液循环使肾实质及肾盂、输尿管、膀胱依次显影。
- Air Transportation Co ordination Office 空运协调处
- homogeneous cartesian co ordinates 齐次笛卡儿坐标
- Telecommunications Development Co. 电信发展公司
- He tracked out the course and development of it. 他根据遗迹探索出该事物的进程和发展。
- Electronic Technology Development Co. 电子技术开发公司
- Concern about ecology is a recent development. 对生态的关心是最近才有的事。
- Yantai Development Zone Victor Industrial Co. 我公司是具有独立法人资格的经济实体,拥有自营进出口权。
- A factory must try to diversify for further development. 一个工厂要获得进一步发展就要努力使产品多样化。
- Zhejiang LABOR Human Resource Development Co. 浙江雷博人力资源开发有限公司。
- Cara, when are you going to Europe? 你们什么时候去欧洲?
- Chiyoda Mutual Life Insurance Co. 千代田寿险公司(日本)
- The development was adverse to our interests. 这种发展与我们的利益背道而驰。
- Guillermo: Por fin voy a ver tu cara. 我终将看到你的庐山真面了。
- The town has been designated a development area. 该城市已被定为开发区。