- Morgan代表发言介绍品牌精髓以及杭州专卖店 Speech from Morgan representative to introduce the brand equity of Morgan and its new branch in GZ
- M. 福斯特(Edward Morgan Forster,1879-1970)的代表作。 Edward Morgan Forster(1879-1970), a twentieth century English novelist, literary theorist, and essayist, has ranked among the greatest novelists.
- 目的比较吻合器痔上黏膜环形切除术(PPH)与Milligan-Morgan术(MMH)的安全性和有效性。 Objective To compare the safety and efficacy of procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids (PPH)with Milligan-Morgan haemorrhoidectomy (MMH) in the treatment of severe hemorrhoids.
- 我建议你见见Mr。White。 I suggest that you see Mr. White.
- (=white blood count and differential) 白细胞计数和分类 WBC diff.
- White手术 White operation
- 如果有的话,把Morgan镜放在病人身上,用1%的葡萄糖酸钙水溶液冲洗眼睛20分钟。[**1% 溶液=10毫升10%的葡萄糖酸钙+ 100毫升cc 常用盐水] If available, place Morgan's lens on patient and irrigate eye for 20 minutes with a 1%25 aqueous calcium gluconate** solution.[**1%25 solution=10cc calcium gluconate10%25 + 100cc normal saline]
- White和F. White, and F.
- 她的白眼珠充血了.6 (idm 习语) black and white => blackn. The whites of her eyes are bloodshot.
- 本文将JP Morgan信用风险计量法引入我国商业银行信用风险的研究,通过样本分析对商业银行信用风险的var进行测算,进而对银行的信用风险状况和资本要求进行评估。 The paper introduces Credit Metric of JP Morgan to the research of credit risk of commercial banks, calculates the credit risk VaR of commercial banks of our country by stylebook analysis and evaluates the credit risk and capital requirement of them.
- Darier-White病 Darier-White disease
- white hoof (马) 蹄白
- 花旗集团同意从一家投资集团中购买37%的韩美银行股份。该投资集团由卡莱尔集团(Carlyle)和JP Morgan corsair牵头,前者是一家美国并购基金,而后者是成立于1993年的私人股本投资合伙公司。 Citigroup agreed to buy a 37 per cent stake from a group led by Carlyle, a US buy-out fund, and JP Morgan Corsair, a private equity investment partnership established in 1993.
- Hull-White模型 Hull-White model
- Lee White凝固时间 Lee White coagulation time
- 优化Xu-White模型 optimized Xu-White model
- 从前,有一只white cat。 The white can has three brothers.
- Hull-White利率模型 Hull-White interest rate model