- The tiger in the cage gnawed listlessly at a bone. 笼子里的老虎在没精打采地啃一根骨头。
- A lion has escaped from its cage. 有一头狮子从笼中逃走了。
- The old man wants to buy a cage for birds. 老人想买一个鸟笼。
- The boy poked the stick through the bars of the cage. 那个男孩把棍子从兽槛的铁栅间伸进去。
- It took me just on two hours to do this experiment. 做这个实验大约花了两个小时。
- The lion paced the floor of his cage restlessly. 狮子烦躁地在兽笼里走来走去。
- We are doing a chemical experiment. 我们正在做化学实验。
- She loosed the bird from the cage. 她把小鸟放出笼子。
- A fox saw a lion confined in a cage. 一只狐狸看到一只被监禁的狮子。
- The results of the experiment varied wildly. 实验结果差异很大。
- Gingerly he opened the door of the rat's cage. 他小心翼翼地打开鼠笼的门。
- The old man made a cage for birds. 老人做了一只鸟笼。
- Some scientists experiment on animals. 有些科学家用动物做试验。
- The canary was trilling away in its cage. 那只金丝雀在笼中鸣啾。
- I am doing an experiment of neutralizing acid. 我在做一个中和酸的实验。
- I coaxed the canary into the cage. 我巧妙地使金丝雀进出笼子。
- We will do a Chemistry experiment this Friday. 这个周五我们要做化学试验。
- May a good result wait upon your experiment. 祝你的实验取得满意的成果。
- The lion lashed its tail about whenever anyone came near its cage. 只要有人走近狮子笼,狮子就不安地把尾巴摇来摆去。
- The temperature was a variable in the experiment. 在该实验中温度是个变量。