- Of course, there are still some intellectuals who are sceptical about socialism or do not approve of it, but they are a minority. 当然,知识分子中间有一些人现在仍然怀疑或者不同意社会主义,这部分人只占少数。
- I really like it but they are a bit expensive. 我真喜欢它,但这些贵了点。
- There're some people opposed to the plan, but they are in a minority. 有些人不同意那个计划,但他们只是少数。
- But they are a minority. 但他们毕竟只占少数。
- But they arefeber;he bef the 21st century, they are a dying race. 但是他们是在太少了;在21世纪初,他们成了一个垂死的种族。
- The answer at first seems to be a lemon,but they are at least the sort of questions that make one think. 这些问题初看起来无法回答,但至少能发人深思。
- There are a few students in our class who keep coming to class late but they are always on time for Mrs Chen's lessons. 在我们班有几个学生上课不断迟到,但上陈老师的课时总是按时。
- Books are good enough in their own way, but they are a mighty bloodless substitute for life. 从它们自己所发生的效用上,书籍真是够好的东西,但它们是很强悍的、不见血的生命替代者。
- I asked them for the money,but they were a hard nut to crack. 我向他们要钱,但他们很难对付。
- But they are too few in number; at the beginning of the 21st century, they are a dying race. 但是他们是在太少了;在21世纪初,他们成了一个垂死的种族。
- A: But they are high-cholesterol. 但是它们胆固醇太高了。
- I asked them for the money, but they were a hard nut to crack. 我向他们要钱,但他们很难对付。
- They are a proud and independent people. 他们是独立自主的民族。
- He once knew her, but they are no longer friends. 他以前认识她,但他们已经不是朋友了。
- Toads have an ugly appearance but they are useful. 蟾蜍外表丑陋,但很有用。
- But they are worried, and think this is a mirage. 然而又害怕起来,觉得这是海市蜃楼。
- Voyeurs are scary, but they are usually harmless. 偷窥狂很可怕,但是他们通常不会伤害人。
- The answer at first seems to be a lemon, but they are at least the sort of questions that make one think. 这些问题初看起来无法回答,但至少能发人深思。
- But they seem to be a perfect fit. 但看起来到挺合适的。
- I also think that risk-taking and adventurism are a search for transcendence, but they are also a search for oblivion. 我认为冒风险和冒险主义都是为了探寻与众不同之处,但是他们也在寻找一个解脱,一个完全被遗忘的解脱。