- Braised Eel with Scallion 葱烧鳗鱼
- Braised Eel with Pig'Butterfly Bone 蝴蝶烩鳝
- How about fried mution with scallion? 那么葱爆肉怎么样呢?
- braised eel with brown sauce 红烧河鳗[粤]
- Braised eel with Roast pork 火腩焖大鳝
- Braised Eel with Chestnuts 板栗烧鳝段
- Braised Eel with Garlic 大蒜烧白鳝
- Steam the croaker till done, remove and sprinkle with scallion shreds, pour on hot oil. 上笼蒸熟,取出后在表面撒葱丝,浇些热油即成。
- .. Braised Eels with Garlic + Chives + Bean Sprouts.Stir Fried Eels in Brown Sauce ... 银芽韮王鳝糊.;青 炒鳝糊
- Braised Beef Filet with Scallion 京葱山珍爆牛柳
- Braised Crucian Carp with Scallion 葱焅河鲫鱼
- Braised Eel in Black Bean Sauce en Casserole 砂锅豉香鳝
- Braised Fish Filets with Scallion 葱烧鱼片
- Sprinkle with scallions and sliced chilies and served hot. 洒上葱粒、辣椒丝,趁热上桌。
- Braised Eel in Black Bean Sauce in Casserole 砂窝豉香鳝件
- Braised Sea Cucumber and Abalone with Scallion 葱烧海参鲍鱼
- Braised Sea Cucumber and Ox Tendon with Scallion 葱烧海参牛蹄筋
- Braised Finless Eel with Shark's Fin Soup 翅汁金钱鳝
- Braised River Carp with Scallion 葱靠焅河鲫鱼
- Braised Shredded Eel with Sesame Oil 香油蟮糊