- Be due out in January 定于明年一月份发布
- When it was completed he asked when and where he could see the picture.The producer sheepishly confessed that it was actually a porno film and it was due out in a month. 当完成以后,他问什么时候能够看到那部电影,这时制片人十分不好意思的承认那部电影实际上是一部色情电影,将在一个月以后上映。
- The new K-car will be due out within the year. 我们新型的k型车在一年内便可以推出了。
- The new K -car will be due out within the year. 我们新型的k型车在一年内便可以推出了。
- Martina is currently working on her fifth book, due out in 2005. 马丁娜现在正在写她的第五部小说,计划于2005年出版。
- The station will be operative again in January. 该车站将于一月份恢复使用。
- Toyota hasn't released its pricing for its new Prius, due out in May. 丰田汽车还没有公布定于五月推出的新款普锐斯的定价。
- Many students have to be boarded out in the town. 许多学生得在城里膳宿。
- Midfield dynamo Essien was one of several key players to miss out on the African Nations Cup in January through injury, as the Ghanaians were knocked out in the first round. 中场核心艾辛是因伤缺席1月的非洲杯的重要球员之一,结果加纳队在第一轮就惨遭淘汰。
- It is absurd to go out in such terrible weather. 在这麽恶劣的天气里出去太荒唐。
- He says it's clear the economy has slowed, but says tax rebates due out in May should help turn things around. 他说,很明显,国家经济放慢了增长,但五月份即将施行的减少税收政策将帮助扭转这种局面。
- I figure on being in New York in January. 我计划一月份在纽约。
- He will be inaugurated (as) President in January. 他将于一月份就任总统。
- Meers doesn't have those stats, but I found them, coincidentally, yesterday in a preview of another book due out in September. 密尔兹没有这些数据,不过很凑巧,昨天在另一本9月将发行的新书预告中,我找到了答案。
- The new president will be sworn in January. 新总统将在一月份宣誓就职。
- He will be inaugurated as president in January. 他将在一月就任总裁.
- First donation will be submitted in January 2008. 首次捐款将是2008年1月。
- Rose is due to start school in January. 罗斯一月份就要开始上学了。
- That is to say that the dehydroxylation is ahead of the structural reorganisation which may be due to the fact that the thermolysis was carried out in the solid state. 也就是说,脱羟基出现在结构重组之前,这可能是由于热解是在固体状态进行的事实造成的。
- The station will be operative again in January . 该车站将于一月份恢复使用.